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Chapter 56 ~ Consequences

It was now morning, Jughead was woken by a loud knock on the door. He turned over in his side and picked up his phone, checking the time. His phone blinked the time six-twenty in the morning. Who the hell could be knocking at his door this early in the morning? He groaned and stepped out of bed. His feet hit the floor with a soft thud, he lumbered over to the door, rubbing his eyes. Maybe it was Dad. He could of forgotten his keys. He opened the door, blinking his eyes from the new light in his eyes.

"Jellybean?" He yawned full of surprise. She said she was going in 10 hours, it only had been 6 hours.

"Jug, sorry to wake you. I had no where else to go. I'm kind of out of options." She mumbled the last part as she stared at the ground. His eyes were tired.

In the distance he heard a loud hum of a truck. He saw it was Mr A. The truck stopped, Fred got out of the truck. His eyes widened in shock.

"Oh miss Jellybean. It's nice to see you again. What brings you here?" He asked as he spotted her standing next to Jughead. She had her hair in curls, it was short but still long enough to reach her shoulders. JB turned to face him. She felt her heart speed up. Jughead saw his sister avoid eye contact again.

"Oh hi Mr Andrews. Yeah it's been 9 years. I'm actually here for awhile. Something happened in Toledo, Mom and I disagreed and she kicked me out." She confessed, with a sad smile. Fred noticed she was fiddling with her rings on her fingers. He knew something was bothering her. Jughead still was nervous. Why is Jellybean here? And why did she get kicked out?

"Jellybean, I was just coming to pick Jug up. Your dad is waiting for him. He has a question." Fred started and then turned to look at Jughead. "He said something that you were off last night and wants to talk to you." He stated head back to his truck. Jughead nodded his head.

"JB, I think you should come with. Dad needs to know why and I can't lie to him. Jelly, what did you have to tell me? I know I promised not to tell a soul. But Jelly, if your in trouble. I can't lie to him. So please tell me?" He pleaded with her. She knew he was right.

The ride was short to the hospital. They were met by Fp's eyes. Fp stood there, Shock, utter shock on his face as he saw his little girl walk through the doors. Alice was in her wheelchair, she couldn't believe Jellybean was there either. Jellybean caught her father's stares as she walked in.

"JB, I thought you were coming until this summer?" Fp said completely throw off. He watched as her eyes started to water. Why was she crying? Did he say something to upset her? Jellybean was now burst into tears. She was scared how he would react.

"Daddy, I did something." She cried as stood there. Fp felt his heart drop to his stomach. What was wrong with little girl? Alice didn't know her very well. But she was a teen.

"Jells, what happened?" Fp said walking up to her. Jellybean looked up to her brother. Jughead saw that she needed him. He didn't know what happened to her.

"Jelly, you have to tell us. You can't keep stalling. Now what happened?" He asked sternly, getting fed up. Her eyes shifted back to her father. She knew that she had to tell them. She took a long breath and opened her mouth.

"Daddy, I'm really sorry to tell you this. I didn't mean for this to happen. I know you will be very disappointed me. Mom, already kicked me out. I told Jug that I was scared to tell you." She stated before pausing. Fp turned to his son. He was a little irritated his son lied to him.

"Jughead, you lied to me last night. That was her on the phone wasn't it?" He snapped softly. Jughead avoid his eyes. He knew that he was right.

"Dad, I swear I don't know what she wants to tell us. I just know she was scared that's all, I promise." He stammered as he felt his dad's cold eyes on him. Jellybean looked back up.

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