Rivers Rush Down Steep Slopes

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~ I just wanted to say thank you for 7 thousand reads . I can't believe that you guys like this story so much. I really enjoy your nice comments and I love writing this for your guys.~ Aut.

Chapter 55- Rivers Rush Down Steep Slopes
Betty stared at Fp on the floor with tears in her eyes. What happened to her mom? Betty needed to know. She couldn't stop thinking as Fp was carried onto a gurney and was checked. The doctors said it was just the shock. That raised a lot of questions that Betty need to be answered. She looked into his hospital room as tears ran down her cheeks. As she stood in the doorway she saw how stressed he looked. Was the ring shopping to much for his heart? She had a lot of questions. She felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned her head slightly. Jughead was standing next to her. She felt all her courage being ripped from within her. It seemed like her life was like a river that only rushes down.

"Is he awake yet?" He asked in a soft whispered tone. Through the crack in her voice she was only able to shake her head. She had no energy left. He saw her head shake and felt his heart drop. He knew his dad was under stress. "He will don't worry too much, Okay?" He stated softly. She looked into his eyes. They were full of trust.

"Ok-ay." She says through her voice cracking. He hated watching her fall apart. He thought that this was the end of the surprise. Maybe he was wrong.

In the distance they heard giggles coming from the far left of them. They turned to see Toni and Cheryl holding balloons and stuff animals in their arms. Betty wiped her eyes and walked over to them. Toni and Cheryl noticed everyone was quiet and a hint of sadness in their emotion drained faces.

"Guys, why do you all look like you saw a puppy being shot?" Cheryl asked observing their faces. Veronica uncurled herself from Archie's body. She had dried on tears on her cheeks. She got up and hugged Cheryl and Toni.

"Uh well the twins were born. Her mother's doctor came out and told us that it was a girl and a boy. The girls name is Aubree Rose Jones. But they didn't have a boy name. Cause something happened. She said she wouldn't say. She also addressed that it was up to Fp. And Fp is passed out right now. We don't know when he will wake up." Veronica explained as she wiped her cheeks with her sleeves. Cheryl absorbed the information and felt her heart drop to her stomach. This couldn't be happening. She dropped the stuff bear from her hands and tears fell from her eyes.

"What no! This wasn't supposed to happen." She cried. Betty knew how much Cheryl grew to care about her family. It was hard to watch Cheryl break down.

"Cher, come here. He will be okay and they didn't say a thing about mom. I'm so scared." She confessed as she felt Cheryl's arms wrap around her tightly.

Fp felt his eyes burn from the lights in his room. He heard his son and Betty talking outside. Then he heard giggle. He instantly thought it sounded like Alice's. But when he opened his eyes, he got a rude awaking. Then he remembered that Allie was still in surgery.

"Jug?" He called out. Not too long later, his son is by his side. Jughead saw his dad's eyes darken when he mentioned Alice. "Jug, Alice.. something happened after she had the second baby. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry for freaking you guys out. I still haven't been able to sleep that good since you know happened." He explained as his eyes burned from the tears threatening to escape. Jughead felt his throat go dry. Alice was in danger.

"Dad, she's going to pull through. She tough and she wouldn't leave you." He reassured his dad. Fp tried to let his son's words sink in. But his mind was else where.

Hours passed and still no news about Alice. Everyone was getting worried. Fp was allowed to leave the room. The doctors ruled that he didn't have anything wrong, it was just lack of sleep. Fp stared into Alice's room. He was standing in the doorway looking at her. She looked like she was just sleeping. At least he hoped she was just sleeping. He saw a movement in the room, he wasn't sure if it was his mind playing tricks on him or was it for real.

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