Enclosed Adventures

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Chapter 20- Enclosed Adventures

The dew of the morning rain was damped with the blazing sunlight. All of Riverdale was still sleeping in their peaceful suburban homes. The streets were lined with all sorts of houses. The list went from the Cape Cod, Contemporary to Victorian style homes. Most riverdale homes were the classic Well-Manicured Lawns. Riverdale is most known for their perfections.

Alice was in her kitchen making some get well cookies for Jughead. Betty woke up to the smell of freshly made cookies. She was eager to find out where the smell was coming from. She tiptoed down the stairs quietly. As she reached the last step, the smell burned into her nostrils. The sweet smile was so inviting. She turned the corner, entering the kichen to see her mother making cookies. Alice heard someone trying to tiptoe down the stairs. She turned her head to see Betty investigating her surroundings. Betty looked at her mother, who was wearing her apron covered in sugar, nutmeg and chocolate.

"Good morning, Betty." Alice chirped as she mixed the batter together. Betty watched her mother mix the ingredients into the batter. Her mother always made it look so easy. Betty walked over and sat at the bar bench. Alice watched Betty as she started placing the cookie dough into their molds.

"Morning mom. What kind of cookies are you making?" She curiously asked as she licked her lips. She was starving and the cookies weren't helping.

"I'm making chocolate chip and would you like to help?" Alice suggested as she looked up at Betty. Then she leaned closer to Betty. "Maybe I will let you eat the left over cookie dough." Alice implied as she smirked. Betty really did want the leftover cookie dough.

"Okay! Mom you're the best!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around her mother, not caring she would get dirty. Alice loved when her daughter still liked being a kid. It was adorable. Betty sometimes liked being a kid again. She didn't really like the responsibilities that came with being all mature and grown up. Betty started grabbing the measuring spoons and poured the vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Betty and Alice were dressed in their acceptable outfits. It wouldn't meet the Cooper expectations, since they were no longer coppers, in wouldn't matter.

Fp got from his bed and got into his truck. He was overjoyed that his son was coming home. Fp spent those three weeks drowning himself in liquor. He regretted falling back into his old habit. He pulled into the parking lot. He was glad this was going to be his last time for at least a while coming to this hospital. He was so tired of having to walk through the same doors, he had been walking through for weeks. He reached his son's room, opened the door. Jughead sat up in his bed, all dressed in his regular clothes. Jughead missed his clothes, he wasn't a fan of the hospital gowns or the food either. He missed pop's diner. He really wanted his favorite meal.

"Hey son." Fp said as he hugged jughead. Jughead couldn't wait to get out of this stuffy hospital room.

"Hey Dad." He smiled as he pulled out of the hug. Fp couldn't wait to go to Pop's. He was taking jughead there to celebrate jughead getting out. Jughead doesn't know about it. Fp made sure to be very discrete.

There was a knock at the door. Jug and Fp turned their heads to the door. Neither were surprised who was at the door. Alice came in the room carrying two bags of chocolate chip cookies in her arms. Betty honestly thought that was way too many. But she didn't want to argue with her mother. Fp looked at Alice in amazement. How did she know that was Jughead's favorite? He learned not to ask Alice questions. She was always an overachiever. Jughead was stunned to see all those cookies. And it was his favorite too. Alice walked over to Jughead and handed him the bags of cookies. He took the cookies that were handed to him, opened the bag, took a cookie out and ate it. The cookie melted in his mouth.

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