Heartbreaking Confessions

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Chapter 10- Heartbreaking Confessions

Fp finally reached the hospital entrance. As he ran into the hospital, barely stopping to let someone through the door. His feet pounding as he raced up the flights of stairs. He could feel his breathing quicken even more as he got to the next flight of steps. When he finally got to the last set of stairs, his heart was working double time. He felt sweat dripping down his back. Once he found her room. He didn't even knock. This time he just grabbed the door knob, without even thinking and turned it. Alice noticed the door knob turning. She felt like a nightmare was coming true. She thought maybe Hal broke out of jail and was coming to kill her. The door opens, the room was filled with a wave of suspicion. It was like they were in a different universe, where everything was quiet. Alice sees Fp standing in the doorway as sweat is dripping through his shirt. The first thought was why was he here? The next was why was he sweating. Fp walks more into the room causing Alice to sit up more in her bed.

"Allie, why didn't you tell me?" He says as his voice breaks. Alice felt her break into pieces. Her breathing became more persistent. She also felt sweat starting form in her arms, chest and forehead. She quickly wiped the sweat off her face. She took a deep breath before answering her love her life.

"Fp I-I was scared, he was going to kill me. I never been so scared in my life. Not even when I was a SouthSide serpent." Alice confessed as tears ran down her cheeks. Fp walks up to her bed. He climbs in her bed with her, comforting her in his arms.

"I'm not mad. But why didn't you tell about us having a son together?" He asked desperately wanting her to answer. Alice stood frozen. How did he find out? Alice started shaking. Fp immediately kissed her forehead and kept whispering to her. "Allie, Shh it's okay. I found out after Hal yelled it out to your daughter. And Betty sacked him pretty good, Allie." He stated as he tried his best not to grin at the last words he said.

A little smile formed on Alice's fragile face. She was honestly relieved that it was Betty instead of Fp. She didn't want him to kill Hal. Even know she very well would of did herself. FP's smile brighten as he saw the smile. The same smile she had when he first met her in pop's diner. It was the same smile that would used to melt his heart.

"Fp I love you. I never stopped. That night at Wyrm I only said that to protect myself from letting you in again. I wanted to tell you about Chic. But Hal forbid me. I was sent away, locked up at the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy. Just like I did to my daughter. I didn't want to. I had to listen to Hal's rules and obey them. I hated leaving you behind. I regret not staying with you, after you begged me to stay the morning after we made our son. I'm so so deeply sorry about not telling you." Alice confessed as tears of guilt slid down her cheeks. Fp pulled her closer to him. This time he cupped her face, pulled her soft luscious lips to his. Their lips connected, all the old passion and love returned. He slowly releases his lip from hers. Alice pulls her mouth back. A smile burned onto her round lips. Fp and Alice take a little breath.

"Allie, I love you too. I never stopped. I was devastated after you left me in my trailer. I'm not mad or angry at you. I was never mad at you. I was hard not to kiss you whenever you were around. I still wish you would of told me first. I would let you keep the baby. Not saying I regret having Jughead and Jellybean. I just regret letting you walk away from me." He confessed as he brings his lips to his again. Once again their lips mashed together. She runs her hands through his hair. He lowers his lips to her neck, leaving his mark. They come up for air.

"Fp I'm divorcing Hal. As soon as I get on my own feet. I want us to be each others again. Are you sure Jughead and Betty are okay with this?" She asked as she had wicked smirk on her face.

"Alice, yes strangely they said it was okay. Though Betty said she wanted to stay with Jughead. I'm not sure how I feel about that. But who am I to stop them. And I want us together too." He said with a goofy grin forming on his face. Alice finally felt at home. He was her home. She never felt so loved and appreciated.

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