Broken Mirrors

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Chapter 3 - Broken Mirrors

"Betty, Are you Okay"? Archie asked with concerned as he tapped her shoulder to get her attention. Betty remained still. Archie grabbed her hand. He instantly noticed how cold she was. She had to be freezing Archie thought. Archie saw a small amount of blood on her shirt. He lifted her shirt a little bit. He wasn't trying to a peeve. He was just trying to be a good friend. When he lifted her shirt, he saw the blood poking though. Sheriff Keller noticed Betty. He quickly grabbed her and put her in car while Archie got into the front seat of the squad car. Archie pulled out his phone from the back of his pocket. He dialed Fp's number. He knew jughead wouldn't able to handle the news.

"Hello, This is Fp Jones" Fp said Into the phone on the other side of the line. He heard Fp sigh as he watched Sherrif Keller drive to the hospital. "Hey Fp we need to come to the hospital" Archie said as a few tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He looked towards the back seat, where Betty was laid. "Why do I need to come to the hospital"? Fp asked with a sense of panic. Archie drew in a deep breath while he was still holding his phone in a tight grip. Tom saw how tense Archie was and grabbed the phone from Archie. He gave Archie a nod and Archie mouthed thank you. It was hard for him to read, but he could still see the words forming from his mouth.

"This is Sheriff Keller. Archie gave me the phone because he wasn't sure if he could get the words out" Tom stated. Fp who was in the other line, started to feel his heart pulsing in his chest. He just wanted to know if it was his Allie or anyone else he cared about. "Okay, will you please explain to me, why your telling me to go hospital"? Fp asked as he tried to contain his panic. Tom took a deep breath before telling Fp. Tom also knew how much Fp cared about Alice and her daughter. "Fp Betty got hurt like defending herself from the black hood" Tom stated as she focused on the road. When Fp heard that Betty was hurt. All he could do was imagine how Alice would react. He knew she would break down. He just wanted Betty to be okay. "Okay, I will tell jug and get her mother"Fp said before hitting the end call button.

Fp grabbed the keys to his truck. Just as he was heading towards the door, Jughead appeared from out of nowhere. His son looked so happy. It broke his heart to have to tell his son this devastating news. Jughead noticed his father. He didn't look happy at all. It was almost like his fathers face was like a shattered heart. Jughead sat down on the couch. Fp walked to the couch, and sat next to his son on the couch. He took a deep breath as he leaned in and pull his son close to him. Jughead was feeling slightly uncomfortable with his father being so down to earth. Jug looked up to his father, this time he noticed his dad's eyes looking up at him. Fp saw his son look up at him. Fp shut his eyes tightly, not wanting to see his son's heartbreak into millions of tiny pieces.

"Jug, I have some bad news" Fp spoke softly as he kept his eyes shut. Jug was starting to get worried. What was the bad news? Was it his sister jellybean was she hurt. All these thing started to burn into his mind of all the things that could gone wrong. Or was it Betty? Oh please don't be Betty. Jughead felt his chest tighten it like he was losing oxygen.

"Dad what is it"? Jughead stuttered as he felt his eyes burn from the tears trying to break out his eyes. Jughead tried not to cry a lot. He was never a guy to cry. But he didn't give a fucking hell at the moment. Fp looks at jug and feels his own heart shatter for his son. It was like he could feel the same amount of torture of pain.

"Jug, I'm sorry to tell you this. But... Betty got hurt while trying to defending herself from the black hood. I don't know if she is okay. But .. right now we have to go get Mrs cooper and tell her" Fp told jughead as his own eyes glistened with thick heavy tears. Jug stayed emotionally wooden as he replayed their broke up in his head. He felt his dad trying to get his attention. Just couldn't pull himself to even care. It was even hard to show any acknowledge-meant that he was even listen to his father's words of commend.

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