Lit By Only Fear

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Chapter 25- Lit By Only Fear

Fp finally reached the destination Alice was supposed to be. He, Jughead, Betty and Chic searched the area throughly. Their eyes kept begging them to wake up from this nightmare. Fp wished this was all a nightmare. Why did this have to happen? Things were getting so good. He finally had Allie in his life. Jughead was finally almost recovered from his accident. He found his son. The one he didn't know he had. His chance to be a father was tarnished by one fucking guy. Jughead crept behind the red phone booth. He hoped to see Mrs A. But all he saw was a crumpled paper. He hollered over at his Dad. Fp turned to find his son holding the crumpled piece of paper. He uncrumpled the paper, smoothing out the sides carefully being gentle not to crinkle the edges. The paper said. "Haha. You thought you would get her back. Oh Fp you are just like a nothing boy your father didn't want". Fp crumpled up the paper and tossed as hard as he could. The paper went flying almost hitting Betty in the face. She opened it and tears welled up her eyes. She handed it to Chic. Chic read it and collapsed on the concrete. Tom watched as the family started to fall apart.

"I talked to some of the witnesses. They said she was grabbed by a blonde. They didn't see where she went." Tom stated as he got back into his squad car. Betty never hated anyone as much as she hated her father. She really just wanted to rip him apart. He caused her so much unnecessary pain for years.

"I hate you so much Hal!" Betty screamed as she kicked the dust. She felt her foot slam on the concrete hard breaking the rock underneath. Jughead understood why Betty was so furious. He knew his father was getting ready to kill him. He wanted to kill Hal cooper himself. All the fucked up stuff he had been through for years was nothing compared to how fucked up Hal cooper was in the head.

"Betts ,Shh don't hurt yourself." Jughead warmed as he caught her foot before she slammed it back down. Betty stopped hitting the ground with her foot. She knew Jug was right.

Fp watched his son take control of the situation. He was impressed how well his son took care of his girl. This caused him to miss Alice. Betty looked like a replica of her mother. Chic looked more like him but had his mother's eyes. He put himself back together and walked back to the squad. He shut the door behind him waiting for his son's and Betty to follow. Betty followed Fp to the car. She was badly hurt. She missed her mother. Just yesterday they were all eating at the dining table. She missed the memories of how happy she used to be. When she first found out about her father. She went home and cut his face out of every damn photo album or pictures they had lying around the house.

Alice awoke in the same cuffs she was in before. She had no idea how he found her. But she knew she was going to get punished. Her eyes met with ignited Hal. He had these eyes like it was choking on fire. His angry was worse than when she was choked when he was drunk. She looked around the room refusing to meet his fiery eyes. "Look at me!" He screamed slapping her face making tears threaten out of her eyes. She looked at him and received a punch to her face. The punch sent her flying against the brick wall. She remembered it was now the 8th of February. She was a week late. Shit and fuck was all she thought. And if Hal finds out he's going to kill her. He already made he give up one baby and he's sure the hell jot making give up another. Even when she was in her 40s, she still got herself pregnant. They hadn't used protection either times.

After he punched she struggled to bring her hands to her face without wincing in pain. She could hear his laughs clearly through her eardrums. Her cries didn't give any sympathy points. She was starving and so dehydrated.

"Can you please give me something to eat and drink?" She begged as she had tears burning her soaked cheeks. Hal faced her still angry, but he knew he had to feed her. He slammed the door behind him and came back in with some bread and some questionable water in a bottle covered in mildew. She took a bite of the stale bread. It was so dry, she had to try to eat the bread. It was so hard not to want to toss the bread at his head. She knew she had to earn his trust before she could get special privileges.

"Eat it faster, damn it!" He ordered shoving the bread in her mouth. She tried her best to swallow the whole thing with out water. She really didn't want to get sick. He thrusted the water bottle to her hiting her in boobs. She whimpered her breasts were very sore. She knew she was pregnant, just by the feeling of her cracked nipples. She grabbed the water and drank the oily base. It tasted like she was just drinking oil and it slid down her throat, leaving a oily coat behind. He watched her face cringe and he felt satisfied. He loved the sight of toture.

It was now dark at Fp's trailer. He wanted to drowned himself in liquor. He allowed Betty to sleep on the couch. He didn't really have a lot of room in his trailer. He made Jughead and Chic share the room. Jughead wasn't happy. He didn't want to deal with that Ghoulie. He tried to argue with his father but his father was too busy sulking in his chair. He knew this would happen. He thought about leaving the trailer again. But he didn't want to leave his father in this condition. Fp sat in his chair thinking about all the times again for the third time for that day. It was better than drinking his feelings away. One day particularly triggered his drinking, this time didn't. Fp wasn't sure why that was. He got up from his chair, making his way to the fridge. He opened it and noticed Jughead cleared his fridge. He was very grateful for his son. He was watching out for him. He decided to head to his room and try to sleep off this nightmare he was leaving. Jughead couldn't sleep. It was two am.The constant cries coming from the living room. He quietly crawled out of his bed. He reached the living room and walked up to Betty. He sat on the side where her legs were resting. Betty noticed someone make a depression in the seat. She rolled over onto her back, meeting jug's eyes. They were filled with worry, he looked exhausted.

"Juggie, what are you doing up?" Betty asked as she secretly wiped her eyes. Jughead saw her wipe the tears away. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Betty felt the warmth rub off on her freezing body. She was freezing. Jughead pulled away and walk to the thermostat. He turned the heat up a notch, hoping his dad wouldn't go ballistic. He knew they were having money problems.

"I couldn't sleep. This is just eating me up. We should of been home." Jughead answered looking at the floor as he walked back over to her. Betty sensed Jughead was blaming himself. Betty sat up and looked directly into Jughead's grim eyes.

"Juggie, don't blame yourself. We wouldn't been able to stop it. As much as I want to kill my father. I don't want your father sent back to prison. He is barely holding himself together. He didn't even eat a single thing today, since we got back. He just went straight to his room. Juggie I'm worried." Betty explained as tears slipped from her eyes. Jughead listened to his girlfriend's concerns. To be honest he was worried about his father as well.

"If I'm really being honest. I would have to say I'm worried too Betts." Jughead admitted curling up in her arms. Jughead closed his eyes and finally felt like he could actually get some distant sleep. Betty could hear Jughead's breathing still. She felt less worried being in his arms. She closed her tired eyes and drifted off to her peaceful slumber.

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