Promise Not To Break Me

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Chapter 38 ~ Promise Not To Break Me

Jughead and Betty pulled up to her house. It seemed like hours. Maybe it was cause it was quiet and the traffic wasn't great. Betty hopped off his bike and unbuckled the motorcycle helmet. She whipped her hair around letting her blonde curls waterfall down her back. Betty was exhausted. All she wanted was sleep. She unlocked the door and went up the long staircase up to her room. Her house still felt strange to her. Even after the moved, the memories haunted her. Jughead saw her go upstairs. He looked on his phone. The time said it was 5 pm. He really should get home. He went up the stairs and knocked on Betty's door. He heard her call come in. He opened the door to see Betty in a silky cream bra and panties. He was mind blown. She looked so sexy. Another thought popped into his mind they shouldn't. Her mom was still in the hospital. And his dad was just released from the hospital. He kept thinking about all the times his dad caught them. He could still remember the words of his father. It was imbedded into his mind.

"Betts, you look w-ow!" He stated still blown away. She smirked as she watched his mouth still wide open. Jughead couldn't help his eyes and kept them open.

"Thanks Juggie." She smiled as she laid herself on her bed. She then smirked as she hit her lip. "Come Jug. You know you wanna." She teased as she started arching her back. Jughead did really want to. He had been waiting for awhile. He didn't want to be the guy to force her.

"Are you sure, Betty?" Jughead asked as nervousness crept into his voice. "We can wait. Your mom is still in the hospital and my dad just got out." He tried to reason with her. She just ignored him and pulled off her bra. He stared at her perfectly bare breasts. Only if her mom and his dad knew what they were about to do.

"Jug, I'm on the pill. I got on it when my mom was kidnapped by my father. Mom doesn't know." She explained as she got off the bed and pulled him close to her. Jughead felt this dick starting to harden.

"Okay got a condom?" He asked backing her to her against her bed. Jughead felt almost bad for doing this in her room. She nodded her head and reached into her bedside table. Jughead was surprised to see a drawer full of them. Betty looked up at his face. She could tell he was bemused by her drawer.

"Jug now! It doesn't matter why I have it okay!" She eagerly demanded as she unbuckled his jeans and straddled her legs around his hips. Jughead didn't expect her to be dominant. Don't underestimate a Smith.

She lifted her hips and went on top. Jughead kicked off his jeans and worked his way with tongue to her crotch. Betty held in her moans and arched her back. She teased his ear by nibbling on it. Jughead rolled in top and thrusted in fast. She moaned and grabbed his Butt and drove him farther in. Betty loved the feeling of him inside her. Jughead was pleased by her actions.

Alice watched the blank tv thinking about the two babies that are inside her. She couldn't believe she was having this chance to be a mother again. She still haven't heard a word from Betty about her bringing back clothes. She thought about texting her but she didn't want to be annoying. She knew it would be hard to walk into that house. The first she walked in all she could hear was her fighting loose, breaking glass and the groans. A thought occurred to her. Did she really deserve him? She was awful to him their last year together.


The day after Fp broke it off with her. She spent the whole night crying into her pillow trying not to wake her parents. All she felt was gulit. She cheated on him. How could of she done that? She wanted to smack herself for the pain she caused him. The kiss with Hal happened on accident. She was trying to pull Hal away from her and he pressed her lips onto his. Before she could smack him, Fp saw. He wouldn't let her explain. She just ruined her three great years with him. Over what a stupid kiss.

She thought about driving to the wyrm to apologize. But she could never get the courage to do it. All she got was up to the door and then sprinted back to her car, speeding off. She knew it was pathetic. She hated herself for it. She loved him more then anything. She knew very well that she crushed him. How could she just say she loves another man? Why did she say that?

Alice begged her mother to let her stay home. But her mother refused to let her. Alice relentlessly got ready for school. She was pretty sure that it was already spread around the school. She went up to her closet and picked out a less perfect outfit. She didn't want to see like she was better off without him. She got into her car and sat there for 10 minutes before starting up her car. She didn't want to face him. Gulit ate away at her stomach as she enters the school parking lot. She remembered the same exact area when her life crashed down.

She walked down the halls of the school with eyes on her. She got some awes, and others were you slut. Her eyes burned as they met with Fp's. She could tell he spent the whole time crying and apparently drinking. The word gulit arched her stomach. Was she really a slut? Hermonie walked up to her and pulled her aside. She was grateful for a friend like Hemonie. Hermione looked her in the eyes. Her eyes said it all. She was disappointed. She knew how long they were together. Hermione didn't like what she had to hear from Fred. Fred told her that Fp showed up hammered at his door step.

"Alice, how could you do that!" She scolded as she saw Alice look down at her toes. Alice stared down at her toes, refusing to look her in the eye. She already felt gulit and her best friend was attacking her.

"I don't know, Hermione. I feel absolutely like shit." She replied as tears rolled down her cheeks. Hermione eyed her in sincerity. She knew how awful Alice felt.

"Alice, Fp didn't deserve this. He really does love you and you throw it away. You guys were together for three fucking years, Alice! You really fucked up." Hermione sniffed as she stared at Alice enraged what she did to Fp. She didn't really care for Fp for herself. But he didn't deserve to be cheated on.

Alice knew Hermione was right. She detected the rage in her voice. She couldn't believe what she had done. " I know." Alice sighed as she wiped her eyes. Another voice echoed over her shaky voice. Alice turned and was faced with equally angery Mary Drake.

"Alice!" She hissed as she pushed Alice to her locker. Alice winced as her back hand slapped her. "You deserved that! I had to help Fred clean up your mess last night!" Mary snapped with anger withholding in her face. Alice looked up in shock.

"What do you mean help clean up my mess?" Alice questioned curling her fingers into her palms. Mary was still ignited with anger. How could she be so clueless. She hated being mad at her best friend. But when her boyfriend called telling her that Fp showed up his house hammered. She couldn't help but be angry with her.

"Are you really that dense, Alice?" Mary retorted with her tongue clicking. "Fp showed up at Fred's house hammered, Alice. He told him everything. How could you do that to him!" Mary inched her voice. Alice felt tears burning her eyes again. He got drunk cause of her. She felt like a such a slut.

"I- I caused him to drink." Alice stuttered out as tears burned her eyes. Hermione and Mary shared a look. They both were angry. But they didn't want Alice she do something she will later regret.

"Alice, we are still angry. But come here." Mary stated as she pulled Alice into a hug.

Alice was relieved she could count on her friends. She knew what she did was unforgivable. Now she will just have to live with it.

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