Nervous Jitters Are Normal

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Chapter 67- Nervous Jitters Are Normal

Days have gone by for Fp he never thought this day would ever come. He would be finally popping the question. He couldn't believe that this day was finally here. His legs felt like jello. His heart pluses as he paces the backyard in a nervous reck. It was now the day he was going to ask the question he had been wanting to ask for Twenty-Six years. Betty and Veronica had offered to go shopping and bringing Alice along. He hoped she wasn't too suspicious. Fred walked over to his friend, who was pacing like no tomorrow. He could see the look on his face. It was a mixture of Excitement and Nervousness. Fp kept restating what he wrote down on a small piece of paper. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked over to his left and smiled nervously.

"I can see your shaking, Fp." Fred said gesturing to his wobbly legs as he held the paper in his hand. Fp fought to the smirk growing on his friend's face.

"I bet you find it so funny, Huh. Fp Jones having a freak out. It's not like he's making the biggest life changing decision in his entire life." He spat sarcastically as Fred laughed. Fred rubbed his shoulder reassuring him.

"Yeah, remember my proposal for Mary. I was nervous too." Fp rolled his eyes. That wasn't helping him. Fred and Mary ended up divorcing. How was that supposed to help?

"But you and Mary are divorced." Fred sighed, knowing that Fp had a point.

"Yeah. Scratch that. Huh." He laughed as Fp continued pacing the backyard, rubbing the back of his neck to reduce his nervousness. "Speaking of Mary." He stopped and pointed toward the back gate.

Fp looked over to back gate and noticed Mary standing right outside the yard holding something in her arms. He slowly greeted her with a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. Mary smiled and hugged him. She knew Fp for years. She remembered the times He and Alice were literally inseparable. All the times they were caught making out underneath the bleachers before Fp's games or even during.

He broke the embrace as he guided her to the big shed where they were going to be hiding until the music started playing. Mary started telling stories about him and Alice. By each story his face redden even more then it had. Jughead couldn't believe the times his father had. Skinny dipping in November. His dad kept repeating I was dared. And Jughead just kept laughing.

Alice was dragged out of the house to go shopping. She wasn't exactly pleased but Betty and Veronica had been begging for the past week. She drove them to the mall, sighing as she was handed dresses to try onto. When she looked in the mirror she didn't feel flattering. Betty noticed how her mother's face and searched the racks until she found the perfect dress. She knew her mom would instantly love it. Alice's eyes lit up when she saw the snakeskin dress in her daughter's arms. She tore it delicately from her daughter and went to the dressing room. She smiled in delight. It fit her body. When she walked out of the dressing room, Betty and Veronica nodded their heads in agreement. They stopped to get frozen yogurt. Betty got Cookie Dough, Veronica got Wedding Cake and Alice got Brownie Batter. Alice sat them down at the table. She couldn't help smile as she ate her Frozen Yogurt as she told more stories. She loved bonding with her daughter. She hadn't gotten to do much of that when Betty was younger. She was now making up for the time she missed.

Later Betty and Veronica led her to the backyard. When she walked in, it was decorated with little white lights, red and Blue table cloths on the tables. They guided her to the table. She sat down admiring the beautifully lit up porch. She watched as Betty and Veronica stood on the porch with lights hanging down. "Mom, this is for you." Her daughter stated as she grabbed the microphone into her hands. Alice shifted her body in the seat. She looked over at the screen hanging behind them. Pictures were shown. Alice's eyes water as she looked at the screen.

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