Sometimes Healing Takes Time

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~Sorry this chapter took so long. Yesterday I lost WiFi for a few hours and I have been very busy with school. And school is my top priority. Thanks for being so patient. ~ Aut

Chapter 35 ~ Sometimes Healing Takes Time

5 hours later, Alice slowly flicked her eyes open. She was exhausted. Her stomach felt like knifes were stabbing her. Her eyes searched the room in confusion. She couldn't remember what was going on. Shit the baby. No, no was her first thought. Not the baby. She guessed someone heard her moans and cries. Then she moved her eyes to otherside and was met with a doctor in a pink uniform.

"Ms Smith." The doctor in front of her called out. She was confused and was still trying to figure what happened. And why was she here? "I'm doctor Gray. I'm your OGBYN. You did lose the baby, Ms Smith." Her doctor explained.

Alice felt herself staring to zone out after her doctor told her she lost the baby. She didn't see the sense on even listening to a word. It wasn't important anymore. Maybe it was for the best. Fp hadn't woken up yet. He might of left her by now. She started zoning back in. But a few words in particular stuck out to her. "Triplets turned into twins." Alice's eyes widened in shock. She had three babies and now it's just two. How could that be?

"Wait did you just say I was pregnant with triplets but lost the third baby and now it's just twins?" Alice said star-struckened as her mouth was gapped open.

"Yes. I know it's very confusing right now. Your doctor didn't get the whole image. I know twins is still a lot but just think it's much better than tripets."Dr Gray joked as she looked over at stunned Alice. She couldn't believe the words she was hearing. This had to be a joke.

"I guess your right." Alice sighed as she felt her head get a strong pain. She wasn't expecting to be in the hospital again.

"I'm going to update your daughter okay." Her doctor said before leaving the room. Alice was left in the room. Still trying to comprehend how her previous doctor missed the ultrasound. There's two babies. Her babies. She smiled as she laid her head back waiting for her doctor to return.

After Betty's long nap. She heard Jughead on the phone. It sounded a lot like Archie. Oh shit she forgot to tell them she wasn't coming in today. Betty had so much going on. She completely forgot about everything. Her mind was in overdrive, thinking about every possible thing to not slip her mind. There was a gently knock on the door. She slowly got up from the couch trying not to wake up Fp. His doctor said that he need to get a lot of rest before he could go home. He also said that he had to take it easy for awhile. So that means no trips. Aka serpent trips. Dr Gray was standing by the doorway. Betty transitioned to the chair on the otherside of the room. It would be much quieter for him to sleep then.

"Ms Smith, Your mother is awake. She is experiencing some discomfort and that's pretty normal after a surgery." Dr Gray explained as she read the chart. Betty nodded her head as the doctor explained. "We are not sure. When she could go home. Maybe like two days, if everything checks out." Dr Gray stated as put soothing hand on Betty's shoulder. "I'm sorry for the in-convince. Your mother and the twins should be just fine. We are just keeping her here for observation. And since it's only you at the house with her. It might be a lot more impactful if she could stay here two days after those other two days. Does this make any sense?" Dr Gray questioned as she looked sympathetically into Betty's piecing soft washed out green eyes.

Betty nodded her head and mutter. "My brother Chic is staying will us."She paused. "He would be more than willing to help out and make she had someone to look after her. Does that work, Dr Gray?" Betty said in an suggestive tone.

Dr Gray found that a good idea and nodded as well. "Yes that works, Betty. I know it's a difficult process. But she will be alright, Okay?" Dr Gray said in a soft tone as she rubbed Betty's back in a soothing motion. Betty let out a pent up sigh, she had been holding in. "Okay." She mumbled as she watched Dr Gray leave the room.

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