Bad Blood Burns The Skin

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Chapter 31 ~ Bad Blood Burns The Skin

Fp's eyes letting the painful blinding white light shining brightly in his raw eyes. Fp remembered the painful flashes of the bullet entering his body. The tearful Allie screaming telling him to wake up. He recalled hearing Jughead heartbreakingly crying over him, and pleading for him to wake up. He looked around the room, scanning his room for his son. He desperately wanted to see his son, wrap his arms around him. He didn't see him. His body ached as he tried to sit up in his hospital bed. He let out a yelp and clenched his hands to his chest.

Nurses and doctors rushed into the room. They examined his vitals and checked his blood pressure. Fp tore his eyes away from the sight on his blood being drawn. His eyes traced the machines in front of him. His blood pressure was skyrocketing. The doctors placed their icy cold callous fingers on his arms and Adam's apple.

"Mr. Jones, we need to please sit still." The lab coat softly ordered as he put the stethoscope over Fp's heart.

The coldness of the metal made Fp shiver. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. He always hated going to hospitals. He lost so many members and family at hospitals.

"Where's my son?" Fp uttered as the doctor moved the stethoscope to his back. The nurse looked around the room and saw no sign of Mr. Jones's son. She took a few steps back and grabbed a pen.

"Mr Jones, would you like us to call him?" She asked as she picked up the phone on the side of his bedside.

Fp stared at the blood smeared on his phone. Aching burned it's way in his stomach. Flashbacks of the gun, Alice being tied to the bench. Fp wasn't sure how long he was out. He took a deep breath, and then exhaled.

He nodded his head. "Yes, you can call him." Fp answers the nurse as he lays his head back down on the uncomfortable pillow.

He could hear the phone ringing waiting for someone to pick it up on the other line. The nurse exited his room. Fp was utterly confused, but he didn't push the subject. He didn't have the energy to fight and yell. His voice was hoarse. His throat was sore, it felt like he hadn't had anything to drink in days.

Alice had been released from the hospital yesterday. Betty was at her and foot helping her. She was grateful her daughter's willingness to care for her. She almost felt guilt. Her doctor Dr. Hop told her to take it easy. Alice wasn't known for taking anything easy. She hated being tied up to her room. She liked having the free will to do whatever the hell she wants.

Alice heard a knock at her bedroom door. She carefully rolled over to her side trying not to re-injure herself. "Come in." Alice called as she rolled back and laid back on her back.

The door opened, revealing her daughter, who was carrying a Bed Breakfast. Betty watched her mom's smile light up on her face. This is the first in days, she had seen her mother even have a slight smile. Betty of course understood why. Her mom had gone through so much toture. It still blood her blood to see the scars left behind from what her father did.

Betty placed the tray on food on her mother's bedside table. "Here you go." Betty handed her mom a cup with orange Juice inside.

Alice grabbed the cup that was handed to her and bought the cup to her lips, letting the juice slide into her mouth. She then swallowed the juice and handed the cup back to Betty. Alice smiled at her daughter. The smile wasn't a fake smile, it was more like I'm so happy and thankful your my daughter, kind of smile.

"Betty, you didn't have to do this for me." Alice stated as she pointed at the tray of food that was right in front of her. Betty just sent her mom a smirk.

"I kind of have to mom." She stated as she picked up the plate of chocolate chip pancakes and gave them to her mom. Even if she didn't like chocolate chip pancakes; she just wanted her mom to feel safe and at home. She then let out a sigh, "your on bed rest, and I'm taking care of you." Betty said as she saw a slight frown in her mom's face. She hated seeing her mom in pain, it was heartwrenching.

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