Sink Or Swim

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Chapter 12 - Sink Or Swim

In the very same hallway, where Alice was had her arm twisted by Hal. It was the same hallway where Jug and Fp had a very intense discussion. Everyone seemed to have there conversations and issues dealt with in the very same hallways as the previous people before them.

Jughead was still hugging Fred. Fp joined the group hug and smiled. He finally was some what happy. But how long with it last? Jughead broke out the group hug first. He checked his phone. The time was 9 at night. They sent three hours here. Mrs A will be released tomorrow. Jughead decided to change her nickname after everything happened. He thought it was the best for her not to be called Mrs C anymore. The angry was still there inside, but not enough that he still wanted to kill Hal cooper.

Fred went back to the waiting room and sat down in the chair. He knew they should probably get home. The kids have school in the morning. "Arch, it's time to go. I will drop off Kev and Veronica. Fp is keeping Jug, and Betty here. I don't think they will be at school tomorrow." He said before leaving the room. Archie and Roni followed his father to the truck. As they reached the car, they joined hands and got into the car.

Alice felt Betty lifted her head off her. Betty wiped the tears from her cheeks. Alice eyed her daughter. Betty looked at her mother. "Mom, are we okay? I mean we could find Chic." She stated as she watched her mother closely. Alice's eyes darted in her daughter's direction. "Betty, you would really do that for me?" She questioned as a shocked expression was drawn onto her face. Betty straight her back. "Of course mom, I love you. Why wouldn't I?" She smiled at her mother. Alice felt her heart pound with pure happiness. She was finally going to be able to see him and tell him she's so sorry. Betty curled up on the couch and jughead slept in other. Alice wasn't sure if she liked the arrangement, but Fp said it would be fine for one night. Fp and Alice slept right next to one another in her bed.

The next morning, Alice was finally released from hospital. Alice was so happy, nervous to be out. Fp pulled the wheelchair out for Alice. She sat down with her leg in a cast. Betty woke up to a sound of laughing. She turned her head to see her mom and Fp laughing about something. Jughead and Betty exchanged a look of confusion. Alice noticed her daughter's look and wheeled herself to her. "Betty, it was a joke me and Fp had in high school. That's why we were laughing." Alice explained as she saw a smirk growing on Fp's face. Fp faced jug, jug saw his father smile. Jughead knew it was very personal. So he ignored it. As they walked to Fp's truck, Betty and Jug joined hands. Fp cleared his throat.

"Alice is it true what they say about people getting released from the hospital?" Fp said smugly as a smirk crossed his newly shaved face. Alice turned her wheelchair in his direction. Jughead knew what is father was about do. Betty stood there stunned while holding jug's hand.

"What do they say?" Alice questioned as her smile brighten. Fp now had this cocky grin planted on his face.

"They say they are getting lucky." Fp cocked an attitude as he smirked. Alice's cheeks flushed into a deep pink. Jughead stared at his father in disbelief.

"Wow, dad." Jughead smirked as he hit him on the back before getting the truck. shutting the door behind him. Betty let out a huge giggle as she followed Jug. Betty knew her mom had that coming, after she threw that the sexual frustration line.

"Good comeback Fp... Jones" Alice responded as her cheeks were still blushed. "You got to admit mine was good, Allie." Fp teased he grabbed her, pulled her closer to him and kissed her. Alice was caught completely off guard. She didn't expect to have him kissing her, even in front of their children. The kiss was short and sweet, Fp picked Alice up and put her in the passenger seat.

jughead watched as his father kissed Mrs A, he wasn't sure how he felt about his father dating Betty's mom. Betty was just in shock as jug was. Her mom isn't even divorced yet. Yes she hated her father, but it was still too soon. But riverdale already has enough cheating, affairs lately. Betty really wanted to have a real family. One without all the secrets, lies and torture .

The ride to the cooper's house was brutal. Jughead kept seeing his father making sex eyes. It disgusted him. Jug always wondered what his life could of been. Maybe seeing his mom and dad not arguing about the Serpents or his drinking. His sister jellybean sitting at the table. Protecting her from guys that could break her heart. Jug wanted that life. Now that he found him and Betty are related. It kind of creeped him out. But jug loved Betty and wouldn't let this bother him.

Betty couldn't stop thinking about her kiss with Archie. She had all this guilty gnawing at her. And jug had no idea about or neither V. She always hated lying. Betty noticed the car stop. She looked up from her phone and turned her head to the haunting perfect house. Jughead noticed how tense Betty got next to him. All Betty could think about was the blood on the walls, glass shards everywhere and her mother's bloody hand prints spattered all over the walls. She no longer saw the perfect childhood home, she once had. Now that place wasn't her home. It now represented the place she once beloved and believed was her safe haven. Alice watched her daughter with her eyes squinted shut. All the flashbacks burned at her. The screams, the punches she took. Fp looked over to the stunned coopers. He only had one thought. And that was to grab their stuff and they could stay at the trailer with him and Jug.

"Allie, would you like me and Jug to gather your stuff, you can stay with me and Jug for awhile until you can find something for you and Betty to stay at." Fp asked soothingly as he wrapped a strong arm by her waist. Alice turned to look towards her daughter. Betty sent a pleading smile, tell her it was okay.

"Yeah, that would very good right now. I don't really want to go in there. And I can tell Betty doesn't either." She replied as a sad smile formed on her face.

Fp looked to Jug, who was staring at him. Jug saw his father's eyes and opened his door. Fp and jughead walked into the house.Their eyes went wide. Blood was still stained on the white walls of the cooper house. Every step he took sent chills, shivers down his spine causing him to freeze. Jughead has never seen a such a horrendous crime scene. He also couldn't believe that this was once a family home. Jug actually grabbed his father's hand out of fear. Fp felt his son's hand attaching to his. At the moment, Fp didn't even care. He was just as horrified as his son. Fp, jug finally reached the kitchen, Fp felt the nausea taking over his body. He couldn't believe his Allie was brutally attacked in here. Jug watched his father's eyes go dark. As dark as the bottom of the ocean. Jug hugged his father.

"Dad, lets just get there stuff and get the hell out of here. We should probably call sheriff Keller to clean..." Jug stated before his voice trailed off as his eyes grew dark as his father's. Fp nodded at his son. He knew exactly what he was thinking.

Jug went to Betty's room, he grabbed whatever clothes from her closet, some family pictures and stuffed it in the duffel bag. Fp was in Alice's room. It didn't matched the Alice smith style. It was too preppy, nothing like Alice smith he knew. He grabbed her stuff and went up to the attic. In the attic, he grabbed a box that was marked Alice's. He picked the box up and went down the stairs. When he reached the bottom of the steps, his eyes were met with Jug's. Jughead opened the door with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Fp carries the box and bags to his truck, opened the truck and put the box and bags in the back of his truck. He closed the truck door. Jughead got back into the back seat with Betty sitting next to him. Her eyes were thanking him. She leaned down and kissed his cheek. Fp got into the truck and turned it around.

"Thanks, Juggy. I j-ust couldn't g-o back in there." Betty explained as her words come out as stutters. Jug didn't want her to explain. He already knew how terrified Betty was. He experienced it himself when he went in there. That house no longer felt normal. It now felt like a ghost haunted it and it was abandoned.

"Betts it's okay, I know how traumatic it was to go in there. I couldn't even handle it myself. I actually grabbed on to my dad's hand. I know jughead is a chicke-" Jughead's words were interrupted by Betty's lips pressing into his.

"Jug, I love you." Betty smiled as she cupped his cheeks. Jug smiled to himself. Alice and Fp exchanged looks. Alice wasn't sure how they were going make this work. She desperately wanted to be with Fp. She didn't want to mess up her daughter's relationship. She could tell how in love Fp was with her. It was almost heart breaking that she didn't want to be hurt. After years of abuse from Hal, she had a hard time trusting people. She didn't want to be that way with Fp. But she couldn't stop thinking about the first time Hal hit her. The nightmare struck her. She felt like the walls were caving in.

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