Tiny Hopes

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Chapter 69- Tiny Hopes

"Since you keep asking about a chapter all about Aubree and Trevor. I thought since I'm not doing anything right now. I should write a chapter. I don't know when this will be up. I'm still camping. And I come back tomorrow. I just got back a few days ago from camping and then I still didn't have WiFi. Now I have WiFi back. So I'll post this chapter as soon as I'm finished- Aut

A week later, after Betty offered to watch the twins. Alice and Fp decided that they would take the night away and have a nice causal date. Something they have been wanting for days. And now it was happening they couldn't be any happier.

Betty sat in the living room, rocking each twin in her arms as they cooed. They stretched their tiny arms up and out. Veronica giggled when she tickled Aubree's foot. "Bree, can you smile for me?" Veronica used a baby voice as she picked her, and raised her up above her. Aubree giggled in response as her foot was tickled.

"M-a-m-a" Betty and Veronica looked at each other amazed. Neither had been recording. Would Alice be upset? They didn't know if they heard it right. Betty pointed her fingers toward her phone. Veronica smirked and ran her to the side table.

"Can you say that again?" Aubree just stuck out her tongue. "Mama" Betty and Veronica both clapped their hands together and spun her around. "Yeah, that's right. That's Mama." Betty replied as she pointed to the pictures on the wall. Betty held her phone in her hand as her eyes watered.

She heard the door open, Alice appeared with Fp carrying her in his arms. Their date was amazing. It was nice to have some alone time. "Did Aubree say Mama?" She asked with a huge grin as she looked over to her daughter. Betty nodded her head and she leaped out of Fp's arms and started dancing. "I knew it! She's a Mama's girl!" She exclaimed as she danced over to her little Mama's princess.

Fp stood there rolling his eyes. He knew he still had another chance. Trevor still hadn't said his first words yet. He still had advantages. Aubree was 20 minutes older than Trevor. Alice still danced with Aubree in her arms.

"Okay. Okay. I still have another chance." He butted in as he took Trevor out of Veronica's arms and spun him around.

Trevor smiles and laughs as he was spun around and around. Fp's smile grows as his son laughs even harder. Alice smiles as she watches her fiancé and her son bond. She almost wished she would've told him about Chic sooner. That they could've had a family. But then she wouldn't have Betty or Polly. Polly hasn't been answering her messages or calls. Every time her messages have been ignored. The more and more she feels guilty. She wouldn't blame her for not calling. She hurt her so much. She sent her own daughter to the Sisters. What kind of mother does that? She still blames herself for that.

Betty and Veronica watched as the two parents fought over who's gotten the most attention. They knew it wasn't actual fighting. It was all fun and games. Aubree and Trevor were a few months old. Already were crawling and one of them were saying their first words. It had been a long day. Alice stop spinning her little princess around and kissed her forehead instead.

As she was placing her little girl in her swing. Aubree sends her a cheesy smile. "M-a-m-a." Alice's eyes water instantly as she shoots a look over to Fp. Who's smiling as he heads over to her and hugs her. Betty and Veronica got the hint and left the room.

He couldn't believe that his little princess was already growing up.

" Oh my Alice! She's growing up so fast. And she's just three-months-old." He sighed as he wraps an arm around her waist. A shared look on her face made him smirk. "I know she's just a baby. Man she makes me feel old, Allie." Alice rolled her eyes and chuckled.

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