Wicked Revenge

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Chapter 48 ~ Wicked Revenge

Morning came early for Fp. Fp hadn't received a single text from Fred. He spent all night tossing and turning in his bed. He hated the feeling something was happening. He got out of bed with this aching feeling in his chest. He should of gotten out of his truck and went after him. He shouldn't of been a coward. He didn't have to work today at Pop's. He wanted to spend time with his son but him and son weren't exactly speaking to each other at this moment. He got into his truck and made his to Fred's house. Something wasn't right. Jughead always called or had Fred call him. He got out of his truck and walked up to the porch, knocking on the door three times until Fred opened the door. Fred was surprised to see his friend this early. He thought Fp had work.

"Fp, what are you doing here?" He asked as he stood in the doorway rubbing his tired eyes. Fp noticed that Archie was on the left of Fred.

"Is Jug up?" He asked as happy as possible. Fred stared at him with his look of confusion. Fred was very confused. Why was he asking if Jughead was here?

"Fp, Jughead he's not here." He said with a yawn. Archie watched as Jughead's Dad's face went from calm to panicked. Fp felt his heart pound in his chest.

"What do you mean he's not here? He and I got into argument. He told me that he was going to stay with you." He explained still feeling like his heart was going to explode from pounding so hard in his chest. Fred and Archie remained slient. Archie was confused. Jughead never texted him last night.

"Mr Jones, he never came by last night. What was the fight about?" Archie asked with concern. He could tell by the look on his face. That he didn't sleep a wink last night. Fp felt his breathing get less regular.

"Oh maybe he went to Alice's house then." He says as a hint of sadness peeked through. Archie noticed the look on his face slowly turned from panicked to completely losing his mind. "We were fine. He noticed a bottle on the ground and picked up. He yelled at me. I told him someone planted it there. He got angry. Are you sure he didn't stop by?" Fp asked again feeling breathing quicken. Fred shook his head. He honestly didn't know what was going on. But he could tell by the way he said Alice's name. She was part of the reason.

"Sorry, Fp he didn't come here. Are you sure he didn't just sneak into the tralier after you got home and was just really quiet." He asked eyeing his friend in the eyes. Fp shrugged his shoulders.

"I think I'm going to see if he snuck over to Alice's house. Betty and him can't keep their hands off each other." He said smugly as he turned the corner. Archie face contorted into discomfort. He didn't like hearing from Jughead's Dad about this kind of stuff. It was just plain werid.

Alice was in her kitchen when the door bell rang. Her hands were full of baking ingredients. She still couldn't stop thinking about the letter she received yesterday morning. Her brain was haunted by the words in the pages. "Betty get the door!" She yelled up the stairs. She heard her daughter groan. "Mom I'm busy doing my hair! Why can't you do it!" Her daughter yelled as she made her way down stairs. Alice sighed as she set down the bowl with the cookie mix in it. "Betty I can't my hands are covered in cookie dough! Please just get the damn door!" She yelled as she continued to mix the cookies. Betty was in her room doing her hair, when her mother interrupted her once again. "Fine but it better be an emergency!" She groaned as she turned off her curling wand. Her hair was half curled. She hated the way it looked. She made her way down the stairs and marched up to the door. When she opened the door, her eyes met with Fp. She could see the bags underneath his eyes. It looked like he didn't sleep the whole night. She felt bad for him.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" She said in a morning voice. Fp smiled at the in front of him. He could tell she was in the middle of her curling her hair.

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