Bittersweeten Douce

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Chapter 51- Bittersweeten Douce

It was the year 2011, Fp was sitting in his recliner listening to Gladys scream for the hundredth time that night. He couldn't remember how his life gotten like this. His life used to be joyful, Blissful. He couldn't remember for life of him why and how his life turned so bittersweet. He reached for the bottle next to him. He could hear her laugh just burn with anger. His son and daughter were sleeping in the room. It was 11:30 at night. His son was only eleven years and his daughter was only six years old. He couldn't tell if this fight would be their last. They had been fighting more than they used to be. He took the bottle and swallowed its contains. He watched as her face fumed at every drop swallowed.

"Fp, I can't keep doing this. Your staying at the Wyrm hours on end. While I'm here cooking, cleaning and taking care of your children!" Gladys huffed as her hands on her hips stayed their spots. Fp just kept drinking, blurrying every word she said. "Are you even listening to me! Are you fucking kidding me! I can't keep doing this. It's not safe for them. You barely can hold down your job. You spend hours drowning your soul with liquor!" She yelled angrily as her teeth clenched. Fp stood out of his chair, stumbling and slurring his words.

"Gladys, I'm trying to keep up here. It doesn't help you don't stop berating me! I work two jobs just to keep this family a float. Give me a damn break!" He sneered as his intoxicated words struck her. Her face clenched again and she rolled her eyes.

"Being a Serpent doesn't count as a Job!" She retorted swinging her arms. His face stayed it's same composure. "I'm the one working my ass off, Fp. I go to every school meeting, while you drown your ass in liquor! I can't be here anymore!" She snapped as she grabbed a bag, stuffing it with whatever she could. He snapped his feet out of his chair and stood on his feet so quickly.

"Where are you going to go, Gladys!" He remarked as he raised his arms up in frustration.

Gladys turned on her heel and back to face him. Fp was still standing up watching her pack her bags. She ignored him and made her way to Jellybean and Jughead's room. Fp knew exactly where she was going, he tried to grab her arm but she whipped his arm away. She proceeded to open the door, quietly stepping over the toys in her way and over to her daughter. Little did they know, Jughead wasn't asleep. He was awaken by his parents fighting. Even for being 11 he knew something wasn't right. He could hear his mother's calming voice ring in his ears.

"Jellybean, its time to go." Gladys stated calmly as she shook her daughter's shoulder lightly. Jellybean stirred in her sleep. She rubbed her eyes, opening them to see her mom in the darkness.

"Mommy, where are we going?" Little Jellybean asked as her mom picked her up. Gladys eyed her daughter's soft eyes and inhaled.

"Baby girl, we have to go. It's not safe." She whispered as she made her way to the door. Jellybean nodded her head in understandment. Jughead felt the tears rushed down his cheeks. His mom was leaving and not being him with her. After he knew the door was closed he crawled out of bed and pressed his head against the door. He could hear his father's yells.

"Gladys, please don't take her from me. I will change. I promise." He begged as tears rolled down his cheeks. Gladys just snarled and rolled her eyes. She had heard all before. She knew he didn't love her. He was still in love with Alice Cooper. She had seen the glances they exchanged at every meeting. She wasn't dumb.

"Oh please, Fp. I have heard this act over and over. Do you realize this act gets old? And I'm not dumb. I know about your strong love for Alice. I can't stay here watching you give her sex eyes. I just can't stay here. Your endangering our family and I darn well that you don't love me!" She hissed as she grabbed door knob and yanking it closed.

Fp watched as she drove away as he raced outside feeling the rain soak his t-shirt. She was wrong. He loved her more than anything. Even Fp didn't realize that he was just lying to himself. He was still deeply, undeniably in love with Alice. His heart still aches every time his eyes landed on her. She still looked hot even after having two kids she still loved incredible.Tears racing down his cheeks as he made his way back to tralier. His eyes glancing up at all the family photos still hanging on the walls. Jughead watched from behind his door. He watched his dad reach and take down every picture that reminded him of them. Jughead didn't know where his mom went. All he knew that it was all his dad's fault.

Days went by Fp dug himself a hole. He would sit there drinking and drinking until he passed out. Jughead lied about his father's condition. He was embarrassed by his father. He spent most nights at home crying in his room. It was now his room. The room he shared with his sister was just his now. A year later, Jughead still waited at his window. He would wait there for hours waiting for his mom and sister to show up.

After five years passed by, Jughead gave up all faith. He knew that his mother would never come home. Fp still had the faith his wife and daughter would come home. Every year on the 5th of April he would drink heavily. It was like that for years. Jughead honestly lost all faith in his life. By the July 4th he and Archie had plans for a road trip they were going on together but Archie bailed at the last minute. Jughead read the text and type okay maybe next time as his response. Even though he was very angry. He couldn't believe Archie bailed on him. That's when his thoughts took place. He officially had lost himself. He made his way to the bathroom and grabbed his father's razor and made several slashes into his wrists. He watched as the blood dripped down his wrists and into the sink. After he cleaned the sink and wrapped his arms with bandages. He made his way to his room packing everything he could into his bag and wrote his dad a note.

Fp got home from Wrym his back was killing him. He had made some questionable decisions that day. He made his way to the fridge, grabbing a ice cold bottle from inside. But before he grabbed the bottle, he saw a white piece of paper taped to the bottle. He snatched the paper off the tape and read the note instantly. He noticed automatically that it was his son's handwriting. With the condensation on the outside of the bottle smearing the messy pen ink. He could read a few words out of the whole note. The three words stung his heart. His son left. Just like his mother. He knew it wouldn't be long until he would chug the whole bottle. He didn't realize he was crying until his hands felt the hot drops. He popped the cap off and drank away his bitter pain. His son chose to be homeless then live with him.

Once he slammed down two bottle of Snakebite, he decided that he need to fresh up. He struggled to get out of his chair without stumbling and tripping to his bathroom. He felt his feet touching the floor and slipping to every touch. He knew that only thing he wanted was to drink. He opened his bathroom door. He looked for a shaver. He didn't find anyway. He didn't have the money to get more. From his intoxicated vision he could see a blood shaver in the trash can. He stuck his hand in the trash, grabbing it and examining the dried on blood. He was confused why it was bloody. He couldn't remember shaving. Had he cut himself or something? Fp honestly was dumbfounded.

After his shower he went to his room. But before making his way to his room. He stopped at the fridge and grabbed another and drank away the confusion. His memory of his wife and little girl were begging him. He missed them desperately. But that wasn't the only one on his mind that night. A certain Blonde who lived across town. In the Northside, married and had two perfect children. Alice Cooper the definition of perfection was the one who dug her way into his memory. He missed the Allie he knew. The one who wouldn't take people's shit and dressed like she didn't give a fuck. It's been 24 years and he still thinks of her.

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