Old Habits Die Hard

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Chapter 68- Old Habits Die Hard

Alice awoke with a new realization. She was going to be a Jones. A Jones. That reality blew her mind away. She never thought that could ever be a possibility. In the back of her mind, She prayed and begged for her dream to become a reality. But after so many prayers had gone unanswered; she started to lose faith it would ever happen.

So when she looked herself in the mirror and smiled. She knew it was finally her dream finally coming true. She heard the sheets behind her make a shuffle. She turned her head to see Fp rubbing his eyes.

"Morning soon to be Mrs Jones." He smiled as he got out of the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck softly. She tilted her neck to the side and grinned.

"Morning, Jones." She said with a little morning voice. She slowly took his arms off her waist. "I have a long day. Betty sent me so many wedding details. And we just got engaged." She groaned as she threw on her outfit for the day.

He smirked as he put his flannel over his shoulders. She grabbed the brush off her dresser and combed throughly through her blonde curls. He walked over to his closet and grabbed his last pair of boots he had brought from the trailer. Then an idea popped into his brain. He spends so much time at her house and doesn't really spend much at his trailer. And now there's more mouths to feed. It just doesn't make sense to ask her to move into his trailer.

He patted the bed for her to sit next to him. She looked over at him and watched his grin grow wider. "I have a crazy idea." Her ears peaked up as she sat down.

"What kind of crazy idea do you have in mind?" She questioned with a raised brow as she applies her lipstick. The shade she knows he loves so much. He turns his body to face her and feels bubbles in his stomach. Nervous bubbles? He wasn't sure. Maybe.

"How would you feel if I move in?" He said smoothly as he watched her close up her lipstick and face him with a serious expression. "I know it seems too soon. But I'm always her. Jellybean stays in her own room. Jughead I don't know. We will go over that later. But what do you think?" She looks at him surprised but with also delight. She did like the idea of them finally settling down together in the same house.

"I could say..." She paused, leaning to kiss him. "I say yes, Fp. Let's move in, Jones." He smiled as he picked her up in his arms and spun her until they fell onto the bed all giggly like teen girls.

"Oh Smith you won't regret it." He said sheepishly as he planted kisses on her collarbone.

Betty sprawled out of bed, feet hanging off the sides as she set her feet down on the carpet. She straightened her arms as she yawned. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a blue toned tank top. Next she scrambled over to her dresser and pulled out a light jean washed shorts. She dressed herself and applied her makeup. She then threw her hair up in a messy bun and headed downstairs for breakfast. She couldn't wait to go wedding dress shopping and later she had a surprise for her mom. She knew her mom would be overjoyed. She couldn't wait to see her reaction.

In the kitchen, Alice made a small breakfast for herself and the kids. She had news for the kids. She was a little anxious to tell them. She was aware Betty and Jughead were in a relationship. It didn't bother her or Fp. It might be worried but it's Riverdale. Worried is Riverdale's General life being. She told the kids to get seated. She looked over at Fp for support. When she looked over at him. It made all her worries disappear. Betty, Jughead and Jellybean sat ansty in their spots.

"Mom, why do you look like you have something to tell us?" Betty questioned her mother's face as she glanced over at Fp for support. She could tell her mother was hiding something and it was something big.

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