Flash From The Past

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Chapter 22- Flash From The Past

(~ Hey this is the writer. I decided to put a little of bit of 2x11 in here. The new episode gave me an idea. I hope you like my spin on the episode~)

The snow fell gracefully on the streets of Riverdale. The citizens of the small town were setting up for pickins day. There were a few of them not pleased. This included Jughead Jones. He didn't favor Pickins day. He found it not welcoming. He was also not happy he had to be there for just security. The Serpents weren't allowed to actually come, just for protection.

Jughead hobbled down the stairs with his crutches under his arms. It was his first day back at school. He kept writing on his laptop. Archie saw his friend trying to get down the stairs. He quickly dropped what he was doing and headed over to jughead. Jughead was pleased that Archie helped him.

"Thank you Arch, that really helped." He thanked Archie as he grabbed his laptop bag. Archie smiled and held the door open.

"It was no problem, Jug." He explained as he shut the door behind them. He and jughead walked over to his car. It was 6:40, He put the keys in the ignition and slowly turned the keys. He started backing out and drove down the salt covered road.

Betty awoke with pounding in her head. She tried her best to open her eyes without being blinded by the sunshine filled V's room. Betty knew she shouldn't of drank so much last night. She looked over at her phone on the night stand. As she picked up she realized she had several messages from her mother, Jughead and Archie. She opened her mother's texted first. It said don't be late for school. She edged herself to the end of the bed, standing up she felt a huge rush to her head. Roni sat up causing Betty lose her balance and fall off the bed.

"Betty, Are you Okay!" Roni exclaimed as she reached for Betty. Betty opened her eyes a bit more, the sunlight still blinding her eyes.

"Yeah I'm okay. V, we really shouldn't of drank that much. I feel so hungover." Betty said still feeling a little wobbly. Roni knew Betty was right. It was a stupid thing to do on a school night.

"B, You were right. I should of listened to you." Roni apologized helping Betty pick out some clothes. Betty looked through the clothes. It wasn't really her style, but she had no choice. She put on a pink dress.

Later that day, as she got out of V's car. A blonde boy appeared. He looked just like her. But also had a little bit of Fp in him. Betty knew right away this is her brother. The blonde walked up to Betty. She was so nervous to meet her big brother. And not only her brother, he also was Jughead's.

"Are you Betty cooper?" The boy asked looking up at her. She took a exhale.

"Well it used to be cooper. But I took my mom's maiden name. Are you chic?" Betty asked as her heart pulsed in her chest. She felt her her hands start to sweat.

"Yes, I'm Chic Jones." He said in a simple tone causing Betty's blood to freeze.

"It's really nice to meet you Chic. I have been wanting to meet you." Betty said with a cheery smile. Chic felt his eyes welling up.

"Betty. Do you by chance know where I could find your mom?" Chic asked as he wiped his eyes not letting the tears fall. Betty saw the tears. She knew this was really traumatic for him.

"Yes I do. Come with me." She stated as she grabbed his hand and grabbing her back pack.

Chic followed Betty into the house. Betty walked through the living room. "Mom!" She shouted through the house. There was no sign of her mother. But Betty knew where she was. Betty walked up to Chic. "She's not here. But I know where she is." Betty said as she got into her car. Chic sat in the passenger seat as she pulled out of the driveway.

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