Open Sorrows

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Chapter 47~ Open Sorrows

The next morning, Alice wakes up alone in her bed. She misses waking up with his strong arms protectively around her waist. She drags herself out of bed. After the new bomb was dropped last night. She hadn't been able to not think about it. She hated feeling powerless. She wanted her daughter to feel save. She opens her door quietly trying not to wake anybody. Her stomach failed the mission, she was very hungry. She knew the babies were really hungry and that she had to eat. Otherwise; Fp was going to be worried about her. She didn't want him worried about her. She made her way downstairs carrying her feet behind the carpet. She walked up to the table in the kitchen. She noticed a little white crumpled up paper ball in the center. She carefully reached out and grabbed it. As she unfolded the paper, she could see little cursive lettering on the inside. She opened the paper with one of her eyes squinted.

Dear, Alice Smith

I bet you're surprised to hear from me. After I tortured your daughter for weeks on end. But you really shouldn't be shocked, Alice. You're not very special. You thought I would leave you out of this. The fact you're pregnant wasn't going to change my mind. The Black Hood was only the beginning, Alice. There's much more to come. I would suggest you kill these babies before someone gets hurt. I mean really hurt. Oh and you have one request from me. Break it off with Fp Jones. Don't say why. Just do it! Or I don't know Betty or Chic die a horrible painful death. I assume you already know about Betty and her precious will to keep you alive. She ignored my request. Pick someone! Anyone! I don't care who. I NEED A NAME!,Signed Slayer.

Alice stared at the paper that was in her shaky hands. After she tortured herself over and over again by reading it. She crumpled up the paper tossing it in the trash, as tears burned her eyes. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't let her daughter or son get hurt. She knew what she had to do. She just didn't know how she was going to do it. She wiped her eyes with her two fingers and started making breakfast. Betty didn't have school again today. Because she was still suspended. Fp was going to be here soon and she didn't know if she could do it.

Betty smelt the smell of syrup and bacon, she hopped out of bed. She threw on her mother's old waitress work uniform. Surprisingly it fit her like a glove. She couldn't believe her mother's uniform fit her. They were completely different sizes. She opened her door and headed downstairs. She was much happier then she was yesterday. She actually didn't mind wearing or working today. Though she was nervous to see Jughead. She wasn't sure if he was speaking to her. She said some horrible words to him. She was angry and he said he hated Chic. Betty was still very angry about what he said, but decided to let it go. She sat at the table with her brother, Chic on the other side already eating his pancakes and bacon.

"Morning, Sweetie." Alice greeted cheerfully as she watched her daughter take a seat at the table. Betty smiled back and dove into her pancakes. She was in a much better mood.

"Morning, Mom." She said as she ate her pancakes in the peaceful sunshine. She noticed how her mom was really cheery. Something was off, Betty thought as she reached for her orange juice and brought the cup to her lips. It was sweet but also with a little tangy taste. "Mom, are you okay?" She asked with concern in her voice. Alice looked up from her plate, up at her daughter and forced a fake smile.

"Of course, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be? I should be the one asking you that, Betts." She said in a fake cheery voice. That didn't go unnoticed by Betty. She noticed the tone in her voice drop a few levels. It was obvious she wasn't okay.

"Mom, are you sure you're okay? You don't sound okay mom. What's bothering you?" She asked again getting more concerned as she gulped down the rest of her juice. Alice tried her best to fight back her daughter. She was right. She was not okay.

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