Snowy Bridal Plans In Christmas

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Chapter 75- Snowy Bridal Plans In Christmas

Friday , December 14th, 2018

Little flurries stuck to the window of The Jones house. Christmas was a week away and Jughead couldn't wait for all the food. Jellybean was three months pregnant by this time and Sweet Pea was very helpful. Alice was in the kitchen drinking spiked eggnog while she baked a massive load of Christmas cookies. It was her favorite season, the smell of sweet goods, pine needles and her family.

"Mmmhh... these smell delicious, Baby." A voice echoed through her eardrums and made her turn her head slightly to see who it was. 

Her eyes sparkled as they laid on the man in front of her." FP! You're home!" She missed him so much. Him and Fred had to take a trip to Santiago to visit his mother.

He chuckled as he snuck a cookie off the platter and into his mouth." Yeah, Fred and I decided to cut the trip short and come home."

"How's your mother?" She could sense something happened while they were gone. His eyes narrowed to floor." Baby..."

"Al.... she passed away." Her jaw drops open and she instantly sets her bowl down and pulls him into her arms.

Her soft delicate touch sent his head into the crook of her neck. He hated feeling like this. His mom was gone and he wished that he got more time with her.

"Oh.... baby." She whispered softly into his ear as she rubbed circles into his back. "I know how much you loved your mom."
"Mom?" Alice sets the ladle down against the countertop. It had been a rocky couple months, Jellybean being pregnant and all. FP didn't take the news very well the first time and now it was a week until Christmas.

"Yes sweetie?" She answered back as she looked up to see Betty." What's up?"

Betty's lips turned upward and then looked over at Veronica and Cheryl. "We were throwing you a bridal shower." Alice's mouth stays agaped.

"What? You're what?" She questions the children standing in front of her with huge smiles.

"A bridal shower, Mom. It's a party where you—-"

Alice holds up her hand." I know what a bridal shower is but isn't kinda early for one, Betty?"

"Come on, Mom. The wedding is in March. We gotta start planning. "Please, Mom?" Her daughter starts begging as her lips switch over to a pout.

"It will be fun, Mrs. Smith." Veronica chimes in as she starts showing Cheryl a bunch of ideas and Cheryl's head nods in agreement.

"Cousin, Al, It will be fun." Alice can't believe that three teenage girls were torturing her with wedding plans during the holidays.

But Alice was already aware that Betty liked to be on a time managing schedule ever since she was little. Also maybe they were right. She never got a normal bridal shower when she was with— killer Hal. He ruined so many things for her and now she finally gets her chance to make them the way she wants them.

She groaned," Fine, you can throw me a bridal shower." All three girls squealed their voice boxes and she wanted to stab her ears out.

She knew she was going to regret letting them but she just wanted to begging to stop. Her and FP being together was all that matters. Not the gifts or parties or showers just them sharing the moments together.
Christmas Morning came for Alice and the rest bright and early. Alice was still in her slumber when she felt two little humans climbing up their king-sized bed. She rubbed her eyelids as she rolled onto her side.

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