The Locket That Kept Too Many Secrets

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Chapter 63- The Locket That Kept Too Many Secrets

FP's heart was racing as he sprinted through the thick fog. He could feel his legs growing weak. He had been frozen in fear for too long. More screaming became for clear. He couldn't tell who was screaming. He knew he told Jughead to drive Betty and Jellybean home. So it couldn't be them. He picked up his pace and turns for the clearing. He spotted blood. So much blood. He was freaked out. Where's Alice? He hadn't seen her since the brawl broke out. Sweet Pea did a number on the Ghoulies. He was worried the amount dead. He didn't want Sweet Pea to go to prison. "Alice?!" He shouted as he felt his heart jumped to his throat.

"Chillax Jones. I'm fine." Her voice shocks him. He threw his arms around her and pulled her close. "Fp, we should go." She urged. Something made him stop in his tracks.

"Alice, what did you do?" She didn't meet his eyes. She kept staring down at the ground. He could feel her nervousness in between her fingertips. "You killed her didn't you?" She slightly nodded. He looked down at her face, he could see the anger still boiled up in her. "Oh dear, Alice. This isn't good." He sighed as he grabbed her hand into his. She snatched her hand away from his and glared at him.

"She messed with my family, Fp! What was I supposed to do?! I wasn't going to let her get away with it!" She grumbled as she felt his eyes grow wide.

"Allie... that was dangerous. You didn't listen to me. I told you to leave it alone. Damn Alice sometimes you are very stubborn!" He yelled as he fumbled with his phone.

"Fp, who are you calling?" He didn't answer. "Fp I swear if you turn me in I'll—"

"No, I'm not turning you in.  I was calling Fred and Betty to tell them I found you." He explained as he lifted her into his arms and into his truck.

"Are you mad?" He just stayed silent as he put the keys into the ignition. She knew he was disappointed with her decision. She could go away for a long time for what she just did. If she got caught.

"Alice, you committed a felony. You could get caught. Did you wait until after she was off the phone?" She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Of course I did, Fp. Do you think I'm stupid? Actually don't answer that!" She snapped as she opened the truck door and hopped out.

"Alice, I'm just worried about you. You could have been hurt far worse." His voice was full of concern.

He opened the door to let her in, Betty, Jughead, Veronica all swarmed around them. Veronica was the most worried. When they told her what happened. She knew it was all her fault. It was her responsibility. She got them hurt. When she saw the blood all over Alice's face and clothes. She knew something happened. Betty noticed as well. Jughead and Jellybean both started thinking more happened then they were told. The amount of blood on her. And it didn't seem like she was cut or hurt anyway.  "Mom?" Alice turned her head to face her daughter. "What happened? Is that your blood?" She could hear the nervousness in her daughter's voice.

She was about to say something but then Fp stepped in. "Nothing you need to worry about." Jughead looked over at his dad in suspicion. Something happened. He was going to find out. One way or another. 

"Are you sure Dad? I wouldn't want you to have to spend another year or 20 years in shankshaw." He replied with his voice inching with more suspicion. Jellybean turned toward her dad with her eyes wide.

"Dad, is that true what Juggy just said?" Her Dad couldn't look her in the eyes. "Oh wow. I can't say I'm surprised." She snapped before stomping upstairs and slamming the door to Betty's room hard behind her.

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