Daily Nightmares

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Chapter 14- Daily Nightmares

Alice watched in horror as Hal chased to Sweetwater River. She thought she lost him. As she slowly tried to sneak away, she felt a firm hand yank her forward. She didn't get a good glimpse before she was thrown to the ground. "Please, don't hurt me!" She begged as fresh tears burned her red eyes. The voice growled in a mencing tone. "No, Alice cooper. You're going to die!" The voice hissed painfully as the blade strung her in the chest. The blade penetrated deep into her. She felt the blood oozing out. "P-l-e-a-s-e, don't hurt me." She begged once again as she lost more blood from the stab wound. The voice took off their mask. The shock over took her body. She just froze in place.

"Oh sweet Alice, you thought, I would let you have your life. You thought wrong!" Hal cooper laughed wickedly as he stabbed her in the stomach. She started coughing up blood. Her mouth was now tasting like metal and was slowly filling with blood. "H-a-l." She stuttered as her breathing shortens. He rips the blade from the inside and pulls it out. Then stabs more forcefully this time. "Fp!" She screamed. Hal slices her throat as she screamed. The blood spilled from her neck. Her head falls and Hal flees the scene leaving her blood and exposed. He lifted her body and throws her into Sweetwater River. Fp is woking up by his son shaking him. He turns over to see his son with raw eyes. He shoots up out of bed. "Dad, Hal escaped last night and they found Alice's body in Sweetwater River sliced open." Jughead explains. Fp stares at his son. Tears burned his eyes and falls down to the floor next to his bed. Alice watched from heaven seeing him kneeling down at her tombstone with a ring in the other hand. Her eyes were now drenched with her tears. Betty shaking in Jughead's arms. Alice couldn't take much more of this torture.

It's 5 in the morning, when Alice stirs violently in her sleep. She couldn't stop replaying the painful images in her brain. Fp woke up to Alice screaming. "Ahhhh!" Alice screamed as she shifted violently side to side. Fp's eyes flew open and instantly wrapped his arms comfortly around her waist. "Shh, Allie it's okay. You're safe. He's not going to hurt you." Fp softly orders as he pulls her closer. Alice jolts awake from the horrifying nightmare. She still feels her heart pound in her chest. She hears Fp telling her she is safe. She could feel the taste of iron blood like taste. "Hal tried t—o Kill me." She cried as she started to hyperventilate in his arms. Fp had a feeling for the intensity of her nightmare it had to be very triggering. "Oh Aliie, it's okay come here." He called her over and pushed her hair back soothingly.

Jughead heard screams of torture come from his dad's room. He knew it was Alice. And it had to a very traumatic nightmare. He heard the door open. He turned his head to look at his phone. It said 5 in the morning. "Jug, What are you doing up?" Betty asked as she rubbed her exhausted eyes. Jughead looked up to Betty and rubbed his eyes too.

"You're mom was screaming and it woke me up. What about you?" Jughead asked as he stretched his arms and yawned. Betty heard the screams and it terrified her to the core. She hadn't gotten any sleep really. She was so worried about her mother, that she didn't sleep.

"Mom woke me as well." She admitted as she yawned causing her to weaken her smile. Jug saw how the smile turned into a weaker smile. Jughead got up from the couch and pulled her in for a hug. Betty embraced the hug and brought her arms slung over his neck. "Betty, Want to go to Pop's?" He asked with goofy smile. Betty could tell jughead was starving and she was a little hungry herself.

The door creeked open, Jug and Betty's eyes shot straight to the door. Alice appeared from behind the door with blood shot eyes and bags underneath her eyes. Alice walked through the living room and sat at the kitchen table. She slouched her back in the chair. Fp followed behind her, with his hands by her hips. Jug's eyes darted straight for the door. Betty watched Jug getting pretty uncomfortable.

"Mr Jones, we are going to pop's. Do you want us to bring anything back for you guys?" Betty asked as she grabbed a paper pad and started writing. Fp looked over in her direction. "Uh sure, Jug you know what I want." Fp sent a smile before heading to sit by Alice at the table. Jug nodded and opened the door for Betty, closed it behind him. Jughead got on his motorcycle and Betty wrapped her arms around his waist with a helmet on her head. He turned the keys in the ignition and road off down the dirt roads of the SouthSide.

Archie, V and Kevin had the same idea. Neither of the groups of friends knew. When Jug pulled into the parking spot, Betty hopped off and took the helmet from her head. Betty shook her head back and forth, letting her perfect messy curls place into their specific sections before resting on her shoulders. Jughead glided a swift hand through his raven locks, before grabbing Betty's hand and heading to their booth. Jug and Betty walked into the diner with their hands joined together. Pop Tate wasn't surprised to see jughead here so early in the morning. But he was surprised about Betty. She's a cooper, they always have their perfect family breakfasts at the table. Pop Tate strolled over to the group's table.

"What's you guys doing here so early?" Pop Tate asked as he grabbed the menus and placed in front of the 5 of them. Jughead slid into the booth. Betty looked down at the menu that was placed in front of her.

"We were hungry, pop. And it was hectic morning at my home this morning." Jughead grumbled as he rubbed his rumbling stomach. Archie looked over at his friend a little concerned. Kevin who was looking out the window staring at icicles hanging from the roof. Veronica tapped her long nails on the diner table. V sent a glance in B's direction. Betty nerviously ran her hand through her hair.

"B, you okay?" Roni asked with a worried expression as she got up from her seat and tapped on Betty's shoulder. Betty just sighed and shrugged her shoulders in response to Roni's question. Kevin looked away from the icicles and sighed.

"Betts, What's really going on? Because Betts we can tell something happened, so just tell us." Kevin cracked a smile under his strong exterior. Kevin always knew how to break her strong barrier. He was always good at cracking codes. Betty took her hands away from her hair, stared at her hands.

"Well.. Mom had a nightmare last night. I woke up to her screaming. And wasn't just a regular nightmare like when she was in the sisters. It was almost like she was being totured to death. I have never heard such horrfiying screams come from my mother before. Jughead was woking up by it." Betty confessed as the tears burned her corneas. Betty breaking down shattered her friends hearts. Kev, V, Archie and Jughead hugged her. Roni was the first to speak among the group.

"Oh B, i'm so sorry." She softly stated as she ran a hand down her back.

The diner got suddenly quiet as the bells of the door rang against the breeze that snuck in. Clicks on heels danced on the white tiled floor of Pop's. The groups heads turned to the sound. Cheryl Blossom walked in like she was on the red carpet. Her dress was a blood red with a slit letting her legs move effortlessly as she marched up to Betty.

"Betty, I'm so sorry had to join the club. A sicken club, I would say at least." Cheryl said with a pitch of her own hatred to her father as she pulled Betty in for a hug. Betty was stunned to have the Cheryl Blossom hugging her. Betty allowed herself to embrace the hug back. The blood red lipstick, Cheryl was wearing was now smeared from the falling tears. Jughead and Archie exchanged looks. Archie's eyes showed a purpose.

"Thanks Cheryl, You are actually being a good cousin." She quipped as a pink smile peaked up. Cheryl unwrapped herself from Betty and straightened her back. Betty caught the smile Cheryl was trying so desperately to hide. Cheryl shut down her smile and smirked.

"Oh Betty don't think we are those cousins." Cheryl snapped her fingers in a bitter tone. Betty's smile was covered up by a confused expression.

After the gang finishes their breakfast, Jug picks up his dad's meal. Jughead and Betty get on his bike and ride off back to Sunnyside Tralier Park. After being on his bike, they finally reached the trailer park. Jughead opened the door and placed the bag of food on the table before getting back on his bike and off to school they went.

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