Glaring Eyes Of Hatred

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Chapter 23 - Glaring Eyes Of Hatred

Fp stood there still angry that his oldest son was a mortal enemy. He didn't hate his son, not all. Alice was against the door hearing every word. He baby boy is ghoulie. She didn't want that for her baby or her daughter's either. She couldn't believe what jughead did either. His action was uncalled for. And knowing Penny meant hell will bite him back on the ass. Betty and Jughead had a long discussion about everything.

Chic watched his father stare down at the floor like it would take him away from this confliction. Fp slowly lifted his head up, looking chic in the eyes. Chic could tell his father was very disappointed. Fp cleared his throat and sat next to Chic.

"Why did you join the ghoulies? I don't understand." Fp sighed as he looked back down at the ground. Chic wasn't expecting kindness after what he told them.

"I joined after I had some money trouble. It was only supposed to one time thing, just to pay off bills and get a place to stay. But you know that quickly changes when you get wrapped up with the drugs. And you start rolling in the big bucks. I'm not proud of the drag race. My group ended up getting arrested after that stunt that red head pulled. His is also working with Hiram Lodge. The same guy who illegally built the drive in. I grew up in a small town, not as small as this town. After hearing all about my mother's attack. I knew I wanted to find her." Chic confused as he fidgeted with his fingers. Fp knew what was like to get caught up.

"I know what's it like getting caught up. I got myself so deep in the jungle I went to prison to protect Jughead." Fp stated as he walked over to the kichen and made himself some hot chocolate. "Chic would you like some hot chocolate?" Fp asked as he grabbed the packet and tore it open.

"Mmm that sounds good." Chic smiled as his mouth watered. Fp looked his son practically drooling. He was definitely was his son. He heated up the cup with the milk in it. He then poured the packet of Hot coco in the mug and stirred it. He picked the mug up and walked over to Chic. He handed him the mug and drank some of his. The marshmallows melted in his mouth.

"Chic, I'm sorry for how I acted about the ghoulie thing. I just wasn't expecting that." Fp said as he sipped his Hot coco. Chic felt less tensed up.

"It's okay, your reaction was better than Jughead's or Betty's. I don't think she even talk to me." Chic stated with a tensed up smile.

"She and Jughead will come around. Your mother on the other hand might be so pleased to find out." Fp sighed pulling his son in for a bro hug. Chic yawned and stretched his arms. "Chic it's late. You should stay here. The couch is free." Fp offered as he pointed to the couch. Chic nodded his head and went over to the couch, laying head down on the arm. Fp saw how Jughead and Chic almost the same things. Fp walked to his door and opened his door. Alice felt the door move she quickly pushed herself away from the door. "I'm sorry, Baby. I shouldn't of gotten so mad at you." Alice apologized kissing his cheek. Fp and Alice landed together. He spooned her body against his.

As the sun rose high into the sky. Alice woke up still spooned in Fp's arms. She carefully lifted his arm away from her and slid out of the bed. She went down to hall and made breakfast. She made waffles and Pancakes. Betty smelled the sweet scent of Maple syrup. Jughead sat at the table next still wearing his Pj's. Chic smelt the lovely smell of his favorite breakfast. Fp woke up to Alice not being there. He stood up and walked to the door. He could hear the chatter of the kids and Alice's adorable laugh. He opened the door meeting his eyes with Alice. He sat down at the table and began eating. After they were breakfast, Jughead excused himself from the table and head to his room to get ready for school. It was the last day of school for the week. It was Friday. Betty put her hair up in her tight ponytail and threw on a blue long sleeve top.

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