Kisses Before Confession

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Chapter 43 ~ Kisses Before Confession

A week went by since the butt load of secrets and confessions were spilled. Kevin and Josie's sercret was spread like wildfire around the town and even made its way to Greendale. Cheryl's confession only stayed in the inner circle. But she did want one to brought to life. She wanted Nick to pay and also burn in Hell. Rightfully so, she deserved every stone being thrown. She wished she could hurt him, but she knew deep down that she already hit where t hurts. Jughead and Fp were now back at the trailer.

Alice was finally allowed to leave the house. She couldn't wait to see him. She missed him. His lips on hers, his warmth around her as she is spooned at night. She looked at her alarm clock and saw it was 12 pm. She got out of bed and walked to her closet. She only put on something comfy. She didn't want to bother getting all dressed up. She was still tired, her gulit hadn't gone away. Ever since Fred told her about that night. She couldn't get the image of him out of her mind. Her doctor cleared her to drive. She got into her car, she noticed that Chic and Betty were already gone. It's Tuesday and she had been in bed rest since she got home last week Friday.

Fp was finally able to walk around the house with his crutches. Fp couldn't believe the relief he felt as he could walk freely without help. He still couldn't do anything extracurricular activity or strenuous for a six weeks. It honestly killed him inside. There was a knock on his trailer door. He exited his bedroom and headed to the door shirtless. He opened the door, and his eyes instantly met with the desirable Alice Smith. He instantly picked her up and spun her around, even though his doctor said it wasn't allowed. He didn't care. He missed her more then he need air to breathe. Alice tried to keep from giggling loudly.

"Morning, Baby." Fp said sweetly as he leaned in for a peck on the lips. He released for air, then he knelt down and kissed her bump. She smiled as he whispered to her tummy. "Hi baby number one and two." He said lovingly to the her tummy.

"Morning, Fp." She smiled as she felt her heart expanding. She hadn't been this happy in quite sometime. "They don't have any ears yet, Fp." She teased as she laughed at him. He rolled his eyes.

"I don't care. I just want them to know how much I love them." He uttered devotingly as he kissed her stomach again. He heard her sigh and felt a little concerned.

"Fp, have you actually forgiven me for hurting you?" Alice asked deeply as she looked him in his eyes. She could see a little pain still lingering in his eyes. Fp felt like he was punched in the gut. What brought this up?

"Allie, what's going on? Are you okay?" Fp asked concernly as he feels his heart pounding rapidly. Is she ending it? Fp asked himself as he waited for her to answer his question. Alice takes a breath. She didn't know how she was going to break it to him.

"I know about you." Alice said plainly as emotion laced her voice. Fp was now felt this weird sensitive running through his blood stream.

"What about me?" Fp asked in contemplative tone in his voice. She bit her lip and sucked in some air.

"I know about you trying to kill yourself that night." Alice confessed as tears flooded her eyes. Fp stared at her in shock. How did she know? He felt his heart rate pick up.

"Allie.."He paused and took a breath as well. "That was my low point in my life. I was really drunk. And I don't remember much. Fred does. I don't want to t-" Alice interrupted gently.

"No, it's not okay. I caused it. I was the one that caused you to drink your pain away. How can you want to be with me. Even after you tossed the ring you bought me." Alice cried as gulit explode inside her. Fp was breathless, shocked. She wasn't supposed to ever find about that. "That you chucked into Sweetwater. How can you still want to be with me." Alice buried her head in her hands ashamed.

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