Riverdale Fathers's Curse

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Chapter 62 - Riverdale Fathers's Curse

Cheryl was stunned still. She was in Toni's trailer. She was still trying to get over the events of last night. She didn't expect to see that. "Cheryl we have to go to the Wrym. A Serpent meeting." Toni stated as she zipped up her jacket.

"Why? What happened?" She watched as Toni's face turned serious.

"Hiram Lodge." Toni hissed the name.

"What did he do now?" Cheryl grumbled as she threw on her jacket.

"He paid the Ghoulies to hurt Veronica." Cheryl was boiling. "He's mad that she in-prisoned him. And now that's why he paid to hurt her." Cheryl was very angered by that statement.

"Oh hell to the no cherry top no he's not." Cheryl shoved her way to the door. Toni was just as heated. "I'm bring my bow." She rolled her eyes at that.

"Cheryl, no archery right now. We aren't attacking yet." Cheryl grumbled to herself as they made it to her car.

"Fine. But I won't be happy about it." She groaned as she shut Toni's car door.

After the conflict at the trailer, Veronica knew she had to tell Fp. She stepped out of the trailer, meeting Betty's and Jughead's concerned eyes as they saw her reddened eyes. Fp and Alice noticed and broke the silence. "Veronica, are you okay?" She nodded her head still stunned by what her mom said.

"I just got a call from my mother. She was warning me that Dad was very pissed and he's paid the Ghoulies to attack and hurt me." She fell into sobs as Betty wrapped her arms around her soothing her from the heart wrenching sobs escaping her throat. 

Jughead's face turned into a scowl as the Lodge girl was comforted by Alice and Betty. He knew it was very diabolical of Hiram Lodge. He thought he wouldn't have hurt his own. He knew Hiram was a bad, vindictive man. But this just made him look callous, soulless. It was almost like Hiram, Hal and Clifford were destined to be the most hated father's in the town Riverdale. Fp was still in his own thoughts. What did he mean paying the Ghoulies to hurt and get revenge on his daughter.

"Daddy?" A small voice broke through the crowd. He turned toward the voice and a soft smile marked his lips.

"Yes?" He softly answered back. Jellybean smiled softly as she approached the chaos.

"Is Ronny okay?" Her voice was full of concern for her newfound friend. She grew to like Veronica. She was a good friend to her brother. Fp started to walk over to his daughter, his smile had faded. That caused more worry in her.

"Dad, I'm asking you to be honest." She eyed her father hoping he would tell her the truth. His face remind the same. Cold and strong. Not letting any weak force take over. "Why would her father want to her? I thought dads were suppose to love their children and not —" she was caught off by her father's arms wrapping around her and holding her tightly.

Fp didn't want his daughter to cry. He saw the tears forming at the brim of her eyes. He knew she was scared. He would never let anything happen to her. He already failed once. He should have fought harder for her. Maybe not drank her away. He ruined his life by nursing that bottle. He shouldn't have used it for stress reliever.

"Jells, there's no way on knowing. He was just a bad man." That didn't make Jellybean feel any better. She bit her lip trying to control the rage burning within her heart. How could someone be so cruel? To their own blood? Unfortunately she had heard about the Riverdale Fathers's curse. That's a curse between the Dads in Riverdale. 

"He needs to burn in Hell." She caught her father's scowl at the language. "Sorry mom always swore around me. It's sorta imbedded in me." She apologized softly as she broke the embrace and wiped her eyes softly trying not to irritate the area even more. "Riverdale Fathers's curse." She muttered underneath her breath.

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