Slippery Footings To The Waters

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Chapter 71- Slippery Footings To Waters

Thursday, September, 7th,  2018

The Next Morning, Cries awoke the sleeping couple, A few rooms away from their three-month-old twins. Alice and Fp spent three hours trying to get Aubree to corporate with their exhausted eyes, that were desperate for any amount of peace they could get. It didn't matter what form or how much. Just enough to function. Thirty Minutes were better than none at all. Alice slumped out of bed, rubbing her exhaustion filled eyes as she hurries over to her little ones room. Next, Fp rolls over on his side and takes the time. He groans when it says Three A.M. As much as he loves his kids, at that waken moment, He didn't really love them. What was he even saying or thinking. He wasn't sure himself. He was so beyond exhausted from lack of sleep. Then He kicks his lethargic legs to wake them from their restless slumber, before heading to Aubree and Trevor's nursery to help Alice get them back down. It's not even the fact Aubree cries. Its the fact that she wakes her twin brother. All They wished for was a good night of sleep. He opened the nursery with a swift motion before disappearing into the darkened room. He looked around and noticed that the only source of light was from the moon and the dimly lit streetlights. He maneuvers in the dark and switches on the side-table light in the back. He quickens his feet and hurries over and picks up Trevor from his crib and sways back hips to Alice's sweet sounding voice. He stays in the same Rhythm and pace as Alice sings them a lullaby. After an half hour, They both fell asleep in the rocking chairs with Aubree and Trevor sleeping comfortably in their arms.

Later, Betty and Jughead woke up at 5:30 A.M and saw them sleeping with the twins in their arms. Betty quietly tiptoed into the Nursery gingerly not to disturb their sleep and scooped Aubree into her arms and Jughead cradled Trevor in his and they both left the couple to sleep. As the Nursery door shut quietly, Betty glanced over at Jughead, who was staring at Trevor in awestruck. He was just so cute. And now there will be three little ones running around, once his sister has her baby. That still felt funny coming off his tongue.

"Jug?" He turned to his girlfriend and smiled. "Your so great with him. I know you'll be a great dad." His smile widened, a grin marked his lips and He leaned over with Trev in his arms and lightly kissed her.

"Betty, I love you so much, and that means the world to me." He says as They walked into the living room and turn on the tv.

As the tv was set to a low volume, Betty and Jughead cuddled up together with Trev and Bree giggling at the tv. Old reruns of Blues Clue's and Max and Ruby played on the screen. Betty smirked when she caught Jug tuned into the show. He felt eyes on him. He turned and realized he had been caught. His face blushes up and He shields his face behind Trevor. Betty starts bursting out into laughter and soon her eyes are crying. He rolls his eyes and continues to watch Blues Clue's. She laughs and eventually joins him and secretly enjoys it.

Friday, September, 8th, 2018

The first two days of school were tough for the kids. The teacher started pounding down Homework assignments after Homework assignments. Jellybean still stayed at Toni's and Fp was starting to get worried she would never come back. Alice knew how worried Fp was getting. She figured maybe some fresh air would do the trick. Maybe He might stop thinking about Jellybean for a little while. Just enough not to drowned himself with liquor and in any hope it would take away his regret. But deep down Alice and Fp both knew that wasn't the case.

Being the optimistic she is. Her and Fp took the kids for a stroll around Sweetwater River. It was daylight and the breeze was just barely blowing. A lukewarm breeze blew in. Her little princess smiled as Fp held her in his arms. And Her little Prince was sound asleep in her sling. For Three months old, He was pretty intelligent. Aubree was also blessed with her smarts.

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