Mended Wounds

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Chapter 6 -Mended Wounds

It was 8 in the morning, when Fp hears pounding on his trailer door. He gets up out of his bed. He stretched his arms and heads to the door. He opens his door to a surprise. Sheriff Keller was standing right in front of him. He was a little confused why Tom was even at his door.

"Fp I know it's still early and it's Saturday. But something horrible happened last night." Keller stated as he fixes his hat on his head. Tom got his attention. Fp's mind was clouded by nothing but dark thoughts.

"What happened?" Fp asked as his stomach felt a horrible feeling. It got worse when he saw Tom's face turn a little more dark. Fp heard footsteps come from the other direction. He had a feeling Jug was up. Jughead just got up from bed. He was tired still. He slept pretty good, even though he still didn't hear anything about Betty.

"Alice Cooper was attacked by the Black hood last night. She is recovering. She has massive bruises, broken wrist, her neck is all black and blue from being strangled."Sherrif Keller described her injures.

Fp's heart stopped. He couldn't move. It was like he was in quick dry cement. This didn't make sense. Jughead thought. The black hood was already killed and Veronica, Archie haven't said anything about a new one. He watched his father become not able to utter a single word. He felt so bad for his father. Fp was finally able to feel his feet and walked to the couch. As he sat on the couch, he could feel his eyes gloss up with tears. He didn't want his son to see him crying, so he covered his face with his hands.

"When did this happen?" Fp asked trying remain calm. He was about to explode. He knew there was more to the story. It didn't end it. Tom was competely stunned by FP's reaction. He had never seen him so heartbroken in his life.

"Mrs Cooper said it happened after she knew you left. She walked into the kitchen. As her back was turned, The Black hood came behind her." Tom explained as he felt that the evidence didn't match up.

They still didn't have the hand prints that were on her neck. Fp was still emotionally drained. A lot happened in such short time. He knew he should of walked her into the house himself. He felt this huge amount of guilt as he listened to sheriff Keller's words.

"Who called 911?" Jughead interrupted as he saw his father couldn't handle anymore. Tom had to retrain his thoughts and began to think back. He remembered that Hal Cooper was one that called. He still didn't get the answer where he was, when his wife was being abused, assulted by The Black Hood. More and more stuff didn't add up now the more he thought about it.

"Hal cooper, he called them. We still don't know where he was. When she was attacked." Tom explained once again as he fixed his hat.

When he said the words Hal Cooper. Fp knew it was convenet that Hal was gone doing the time of her attack. Jughead also found it, a little suspicious that Mr. Cooper was not there at the time. Jughead was also into investigating and story writing since he was little. Jughead looked over his distress father. He never seen his father was broken. Not even when he watched him slide his back on the door after his mom slammed the door behind them and never looked back. His dad didn't know that of course. He wouldn't bring it up. It usually caused them to break out into an argument and end with him drinking.

"If you weren't mind. Could you answer some questions." Tom clarified as he took out his note book. Fp and his son nodded. "Where did you go after you dropped off Mrs cooper?" He interrogated. Fp was so angry. He made the actqucation he did this. Why would he hurt his Allie? Fp shot right up from his sit on the couch and charged towards Tom. Jughead quickly grabbed his father, before he could attack Mr Keller.

"You think I would hurt her!" He spat as he struggled to get loose from his son's grip. Tom was taken back. He didn't think that at all.

"No, No, Fp. I don't think you did it. I just wanted to know where you went, that's all." He stated as he walked closer to adgervated Fp with tears of anger. He placed his hand on Fp's shoulder. Fp started to calm down, he was still fuming about the uninviting interrogation.

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