Mayhem To Love

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Chapter 70- Mayhem To Love

Fp stood in front them and slapped the test on the coffee table. "Who's is this?!" His voice echoed in their ears. Betty looked as if she was dreaming. That was not hers. She wasn't pregnant. Jughead side eyed Betty for an explanation.

She slowly stood up and took a breath. "I swear Fp, Mom that's not mine." Fp listened and continued to rub his temples. Alice looked closely at Betty. "I'm tell the truth! I'm not pregnant!" She snapped as she stormed away and slammed the front door.

After the door slammed, Jughead stood up and followed her out. Fp sighed and Alice slowly started to approach Jellybean. Jellybean felt frozen. She was terrified on their reaction. "I'm not. I'm just going to see if Betty's alright." She lied as she walked out the door. Leaving Alice and Fp clueless on what to do.

Betty sat outside on the front step and breathed out. Jughead sat down next her and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry I reacted like that. I just couldn't take my mother's judging looks." Jughead understood and sat with her until she was ready to go back inside.

Jellybean quickly headed over to Toni's. She knew Toni would know what to do. When she arrived Toni welcomed her in. What she didn't know was that Toni had Sweet Pea, Fangs, Cheryl and Kevin over. She almost fainted when she saw Sweet Pea. She wasn't ready to tell him. She started backing away and nearly fell before someone caught her. "Oh than-" She stopped as soon as saw who had caught her. "Sweet Pea? What are you doing here?" Sweet Pea noticed how her cheeks paled when she looked at the punch.

"Are you okay? You look very pale." He said as he looked at her and kissed her cheek. She frozen again before she looked him in the eyes. She cleared her throat. "Oh yeah I'm fine." But he didn't look convinced. "Are you sure? You didn't look fine. What's really going on, Baby?" He softly says as he guided her outside.

She slowly looked down and then back up. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. "I'm pregnant, Sweet Pea." She confessed nervously as she looked him deep in the eyes.

Sweet Pea looks over at her and his eyes widened. What was he going to do? Fp was going to kill him. He was dead meat. He had gotten the leaders daughter pregnant. Fp didn't even know about them. What was he going to do? Would he kill him and make it look like an accident?

After several minutes in dead absolute silence he finally opens his mouth. "What are we going to do, JB?" She shook her head. "Have you told your dad?" She shook her head again. He cursed loudly and then apologized after he saw the look on her face. "Shh! We'll be okay. I'm here for you. I won't leave you." He told her as he held her in his arms. They stayed like that for a very long time.

In the morning, Betty sat down at the table as she looked over at Fp. He looked like he didn't sleep a wink. She honestly felt bad for him. Fp didn't sleep at all. His mind was still full. Who was pregnant? And his daughter never came home last night. He was getting tired of her sneaking out. He heard the front door open and close and his daughter appeared and she looked nervous. He slowly got up from the table but stopped abruptly when He saw who was standing next to her. Sweet Pea was standing next to his daughter. Alice exchanged looks between the two teenagers. Jughead could sense that something was off. Very off. Jellybean nervously squeezed her boyfriend's hand. She looked at her father and her soon to be Stepmother. She couldn't believe she had an audience.

"Dad." Her voice was soft and almost stuttering as she squeezed Sweet Pea's hand tighter. Fp noticed the way his daughter leaned into Sweet Pea and his heart started to pound. "I'm very sorry. I never intended for this to happen." She paused again as she looked over at the table and back at Sweet Pea. Fp slowly walked over to his daughter. "I'm pregnant." He felt as if he couldn't hear. He looked over at his little girl and straightens his jaw.

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