Locking The Door Doesn't Keep Nighmares Away

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Chapter 64- Locking The Door Doesn't Keep Nightmares Away

A few days later, Sweet Pea was still thinking about the kiss on the cheek she left him. It was just a innocent two second brush of lips on his cheek. But for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about it. He knew he was cursed. Fp Jones had been very clear for anyone who wanted to date her.  It would be a record of tests before they could even try. Jellybean was turning 15 today. Fp specifically said that he wanted him to keep her distracted while they finish preparations. 

Jellybean had woken up early to go shopping. Of all the things why. Why today. Grocery shopping and then to the bank. She wasn't very keen on grocery shopping. It wasn't her first time going shopping for food. Her mom was incapable on getting food. She was always drugged up and barely functioning. That left Jellybean to fend for herself. It started at the tender age of 11. She was only in 3rd or 4th grade at the time. She came home one night and saw there was no food in the panty or let alone the fridge. When she looked to her left she saw a note saying. "Get groceries for me darling~ love mom" At least her mother still loved her. At that point in time.

She was picked up early by no other than the guy she kissed on the cheek a few days prior to the occasion. It wasn't the gesture that she gave. It was that she felt inclined. Like she was meant to do it. She didn't really know how to explain what she had done.

Alice was decorating the house with balloons and confetti like a mad women. It was only 7 am. She had been up for hours frosting cakes and making buttercream to spread on the first layer of the cake. She took the knife that was laying on the counter and dipped it into the buttercream and spread it evenly on the first slice of cake. She then grabbed the cake layer from the other pan and tipped it upside down. The second layer plopped on top. She took a few steps back to examine the perfections before sighing in relief and wiping her forehead with her back of her hand.

"Looks great, Hun." A husky morning voice interrupted from behind the hall.

She turned toward the noise, sighing in pleasure at the visitor. She had gotten up much earlier then Fp. She usually always was the first one up. Besides on studying days for Betty. Betty always had been an overachiever. It wasn't like her not to be. Sometimes Alice would feel guilty for pushing her daughter too far. Like the times. She caused her daughter absolute pain. She never intended to be the crazy mom she turned out to be. She wasn't even trying to be overbearing. She felt like that was all she could do. One of the many things she regretted. Her son Chic hadn't spoken to her in days. It was driving her crazy. Did her son not love her?  Was she too pushy with him too? She didn't understand why she pushed everyone away she knew. Or whoever cared about her.

Setting down her knife that was still in a loose grip. "Yeah, I have been up all night." She saw him furrow his brows."Don't worry. I took a nap before I started this cake." She said reassuring him she was still well rested.

"Well maybe we can take a little break?" He suggested as he got behind her, kissing her neck as she tried her best to mix more batter together. She tilted her head slightly to the other side trying to resist his touches as she baked.

"Fp, I'm trying to prep for your daughter's party." She stammered out as she pushed his head away. He sinks his lips lower and trails down her shoulder. "Knock it off, Fpp!" She snapped trying to control herself from ripping his clothes off his body.

"Ew!" They whirled around to see two very disturbed teens. "Can you not do that while we are here." Betty whined in disgust. She was just coming to help get the party ready for Jellybean. And was not pleased on what she walked in on. Jughead was still trying to get the image out of his mind.

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