Finally Home Sweet Home.. Forever

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Chapter 80: Finally Home Sweet Home.... Forever

They arrived the next night in Florida, enjoying the sun and the time alone. Alice and FP laid in bed after their rendezvous and a couple more times after that. During their honeymoon, Alice decided she wanted to go to Disney world. He only agreed because she threat no sex. It baffled him she knew his weak spots; literally and sexually. Her eyes widened when she spotted the dolphins swimming in the ocean. She'd never seen anything so elegant like that in Riverdale. She was almost crying when they board the plane back to their homeland. He comforted her as they took off and watched her breath in and out until she stopped panicking. After she calmed down they closed their jetlagged eyes and dozed off.

When they returned home, Jughead and Betty cleaned the whole house. Which impressed the newly weds and earned the kids teasing jokes.

A few weeks later, Alice awakes to a whiff of pancakes sneaking into her nostrils. She fluttered her eyes in amazement when she saw FP.

"Baby... you didn't need to.." She was speechless.

FP just shakes his head." Yes I needed too. You mean so much to me, Baby and I can't believe you married me." She let out a throaty chuckle from the sleep in her voice.

"I married you for much more than your sexy body, FP." He grinned, setting the tray on the nightstand and eyed her body with hunger.

"Really?" He raises his eyebrow, slowly sitting beside her on the bed and Alice blushes.

"Yes. And maybe breakfast can wait..."

He doesn't wait. By time she realizes, he's already de-clothed her luscious body. Her back aches as his tongue teases her core. His fingers graze her thigh and her legs buckle.

"I think that answers your question, doesn't it?"

She only gasps as a response. He slowly climbed over her and brings his tip of his length to her slowly wet pussy. Another gasps slips through her lips through a number of Oh's and Yes's.


Four months later, Jellybean called them. FP's hearts racing against his ribcage. His baby girl is in labor. He's going to be official a grandfather. That seems so unreal to him. He has gotten everything he's ever wanted and even more than he'd expected.

"Ready to go?" Alice broke his thoughts by jingling the keys in her hand. He breaks his thoughts and nods along.

When they parked the car, Alice grabs the four month old twins in her arms and strapped them into their stroller. She can't believe her babies are four months old. It just seemed like they were still newborns and now wow they were growing up fast.

FP's knuckles rap at the door. He heard Jellybean's voice and opened the door. It had been six hours since she had her baby. Julia Rose Solo was here in front of his eyes. Jellybean and Sweet Pea agreed that Julia should have his name. A few months earlier Sweet Pea asked him if he could propose. He couldn't believe his baby girl was grown. She was only 16. She just turned sixteen years old.

"How's my baby and her baby doing? Man that sounds weird to say." Jellybean chuckled and he began to chuckle along.

"She's doing great, Daddy."

"That's great, Jells."

"Sweet Pea proposed and I said yes!" She exclaimed softly, and quieted down when she noticed Julia squirm in her hands.

FP watched the sight with teary eyes. Ever since he married Alice. He couldn't seem to stop himself from getting emotional. Jellybean noticed and handed him a tissue. He wiped his eyes and exhaled.

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