Abuse Always Starts Off As A Game

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Chapter 13- Abuse Always Starts Off As A Game

After Alice ran off from Hal. She ran passed Fp with heavy blood shot eyes. The guilt burned her insides. The nausea burned in the back of her throat. As it came up, she felt the acids burning it's way up her throat. She heard heavy steps snapping behind her. She hoped it was Fp. He saw how upset she was. Maybe it was him. But she was wrong. The steps sounded familiar, almost frightening. She fearfully turned around to be face to face with the monster himself. He grabbed Alice by her hair and spun her to face him. Alice couldn't barely make her eyes meet his. Hal's eyes were black. Alice never saw him so angry.

"Hal, hey, it's me." She tried to reason with him. Hal took his hand and slapped her hard against her cheek. The blood froze down her veins. It was almost like they were clogged. The hits came more quickly each time. The frequency of his punches sent her to the stone sidewalk behind the school. The punches got worse when he didn't see tears. He continued to punch harder. Tears stung her now pale blue eyes. The punches turned into kicks to the side of her hips. He swung his leg back and kicked her in the side hard. After she was covered in bruises he left her laying there until the sun rose the next morning.

Alice felt her eyes burn with tears as the memory started fading away slowly. Fp took a glance over to Alice as he pulled up to the Sunnyside trailer park sign. His eyes didn't even miss the tears. He pulled over to the side of the road. He moved closer to her. She flinched with his touch. This sent panic into Fp's mind. Betty watched her mother silently having a break down right in front of her. She had already seen her mother break down once at the hospital. Jughead watched Alice who was shaking with tears streamed down her face.

"Allie, it's okay you're safe. Shh it's okay. He's not here." Fp soothing whispers into her hair as he let her cry into his chest. Alice just continues to ball her eyes out. Betty watched her mother with her own tears trying to burn down her cheeks as well. Jughead didn't know what even happened. They were just fine and all of sudden there was crying and shaking. Alice couldn't get her tears to stop coming down her face. She felt hopeless. She took a shaky inhale of the air surrounding her.

"Mom, are you okay? Mom please answer. You're scaring us." Betty begged her mother with tears falling down her side of her pale ivory skin. Jughead pulled Betty closer to him and carassed her hair. As his fingers were gliding smoothly through her honey blonde curls, Betty curled her fingers into her skin. Before she even knew what she was doing. It was too late, the fingers pressed deep into her palms, leaving raw red marks where her fingernails were. Fp looked up in rear view mirror to see Betty with her hands clenched. Just like her mother used to. Fp knew of all the times he had seen her with her hands clench like that.

"Betty.." Fp warned calmly. Betty looked up to Fp looking at her hands in fear. She never had ever seen Fp so worried about her. She unclenched her hands, revealing her bloody fingers. Fp's face turned into shock and worry in literally a few seconds after she revealed her palms. "Mr jones.." Her voice trailed off looking away from his worriedsome eyes of her boyfriend's father.

Alice's sobs became less frequent. She noticed how her daughter's cries settled down. She looked up to see Fp staring at her daughter's hands. Alice's face went white. She should of know that her daughter would have the same habits as she did when she was Elizabeth's age.

"Betty." Alice cried as she stared in horror at her hands. Betty watched her mom's eyes blur with tears. "Mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to know about this." she confessed as she hid her hands behind her back. Fp grabbed Alice's hand and squeezed it. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Fp I didn't want her to be like me. Fp... I wanted her to be anything but me." She tearfully confessed.

Fp pulled her closer as he picked her up, opened the trailer door and placed her on the couch. It was the same couch, he had when he bought the trailer for the first time. The old senses still lingered behind. The smell of beer and cologne burned into her nostrils. She knew that he quit drinking. She slowly moved to next couch cushion to reach her wheelchair. She pushed her arms into the seat, pulled herself up and got into her wheelchair. She wheeled herself into the galley kitchen. She noticed that one of the cabinets were dented. When Fp got back into the trailer, he saw that Alice wasn't on the couch. He took a short walk to kitchen to find Alice examining the cabinets. He looked up to the cabinet, Alice was staring at.

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