Irrversible DeathWater

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Chapter 58 ~ Irreversible (DeathWater)

Jellybean looked over to her far left. She didn't know who called for her. She didn't care. The water was numb enough to less the pain that was aching her in her the bones, causing her to feel brittle as she let herself get carried away by the harsh currents and pushing her down underneath. Her head was submerged in the ginormous aftershocks of her final thoughts.

...10 Minutes Earlier...

Jughead heard the door open, he pretend to sleep as he was his sister leave the bathroom. He felt this dreadful feeling in his gut. He knew something wasn't right. He grabbed his son and group chatted Betty, Archie, V, Toni and Sweet Pea. After that he dialed his dad's number. He just knew something wasn't right. His dad finally picked up on the third ring.

"What Jughead! I'm not in the mood to be talking to you! It's like 10 at night, Jughead!" His Dad snapped, sounding like he just woke up. Jughead felt the numbness run through his veins.

"Dad, please..." Fp heard his son breakdown through the phone speakers. He felt a huge amount of weight, dropped on his chest, making it nearly impossible to move under the pressure and force keeping him down like a gravitational pull.

"Jug, what's going on?" He was barely managed to get out. He was so terrified that when he was putting on his shoes, he almost stubs his big toe on the bed in front of him. He can he hear his son's visibly shaken voice crack it's way through the speaker.

Jughead got onto his bike and following the direction his sister went. While he was still on the phone he hears his dad's panicked voice echo through his phone speaker. "Jug, what's going on?" When he finally spots her car, he turns off his brights and follows her down the long wanding road uphead.

"I don't know... but it's not good. Me and Jelly got into a huge argument after I finished cleaning my room. Things got very ugly and I'm sorry for what I said. I heard her leave the trailer and I just had this feeling something wasn't right." He explains as his voice cracks.

Fp was now in his truck, his heart swelling at the thought of his daughter. Jughead was explaining that they got into a fight. He wondered what it was about. Then he heard his son curse out "Fuck, nooo noo. She wouldn't! His heart stops beating for a second, he was literally shaking when he heard Jug cursing loudly, crying followed right afterward.

"Jug, what is it?!" He cried into the phone, feeling his hands losing grip of the steering wheel. All he hears is the silence and Jug's sobs. "Jug please answer me!" He shouts in pure terror.

Jughead followed close behind his sister's car. Then she turned. His mind saw the sign and instantly knew what she was doing. He cursed out Fuck and he gasped once he heard his dad's panicked voice rang over his cries. "Jug, what is it?!" He cried into the phone. He's too afraid to make a sound. "Jug please answer me!" His father shouts in pure terror. When he finally gets the ability, strength to speak. The words are numb and hoarse but he hopes it's audible for his dad to make out what he was saying.

"D-a-d." He stutters as he watches his sister step out of her car and practically dives head first into Sweetwater. "Just come now!" He cries before hanging up and racing over to the pear.

"Fuck!" Fp screams as he heard the line go dead. He had to get to there and fast. He was able to track where his son was. "Fuck" He cursed again. She wouldn't do that. His heart was pounding so fast that he thought he could have a heart attack right there while driving almost 30 miles over the fucking speed limit. He was aware he was breaking the law and possible could be go back to prison for violating his probation. He heard that's where Cheryl tried to take her life months ago. He hoped to fucking for that he would make it in time, before it was too late.

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