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Chapter 19- Overdriven

Archie reached for the door knob. Jughead woke up without Betty in his arms. He heard the door creak open. He thought maybe it was Betty or his dad. Archie felt his heart pound against his chest. His heart seemed to be working double time. Jughead noticed it was Archie. It still felt angry. Archie slowly stepped into Jughead's room.

"Jug, Can we talk?" He asked as he leaned against the door frame. Jughead nodded his head. Archie got closer to the bed. "Archibald what are you doing here?" He hissed as he rolled his eyes back. Archie heard his whole name being called. Jughead only calls him that, when he is super pissed off. Archie swallows the thick lump down his throat. "Uh Jug, I just wanted to tell you I'm truly sorry. And I shouldn't of done it. I know you probably heard something similar to what Betty said. But Juggie, I hate hurting you, man. This has been eating up since the second it happened." He confessed as he felt sweat forming on his forehead. Jughead listened to his best friend's sincere words. He was having hard time trying not to smile at Archie's stressing.

"Arch, I'm still very ticked off, but I will let you make it up to me. And watching you panic was hilarious to watch. Gee arch you are really sweating." He laughed as he handed Archie two tissues. Archie grabbed the tissues and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Thanks Jug, was I really that panicked?" He questioned with a confident smile. Jughead flashed his smile as well before answering.

"Yes you were Arch." Jughead replied while laughing. Archie started laughing as well. The two laughed until they had tears in their eyes.

Betty and Roni walked their way to the waiting room. Betty couldn't get the smile off her lips. Roni observed how Betty just couldn't stop smiling. Ooh this was good, Roni thought as they sat in the chairs with their drinks. Betty sipped her mocha as Roni stared at her waiting for her to tell her. "So." V equipped as she sipped her Smoked Butterscotch latte patiently. Betty was caught off guard and started choking on her drink. After she was able to catch her breath.

"Okay, me and Jug got a little action last night." Betty broke the silence and took another gulp of her mocha. Roni immediately had a dirty smirk on her smug face. She was also kind of shocked Betty lost her virginity last night.

"Ooh naughty, B!" She whistled pursing her lips tighter. Betty saw V's lip bite. She shut her right down.

"No, no not that!" She said sharply as she looked down at her crotch. Roni got the idea.

"So you did a blowy?" She asked waiting to know the details. Betty nodded her head in response. Roni smiled and sipped her drink once again. Betty missed girl talk. When her and Roni were fighting, she didn't have anybody to talk to. She had Kev, but he didn't get girl anatomy. He was more into guy dicks. Betty didn't really like talking about straight sex to Kev. Gay sex was a lot different then straight sex.

"B, want to go shopping? I can get my personal driver to take us to the mall." Roni stated as she grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder.

"Ooh that would be so fun. Just let me text my mom and tell Juggie I'm leaving." She told Roni as she sent the text to her mom and Juggie. Roni grabbed Betty's hand and they left the hospital.

Alice was driving to the hospital, when she received a text. She was at a stop light, so she checked her phone. She saw a text from Betty. She clicked on the message. Mom, I'm going to the mall with Veronica so I won't be at the hospital ~ Betty. She read the text and replied. Okay, be safe. See you at dinner. The light turned green and she put her phone down. She turned into the parking lot. She got out of her car with her heels touching the ground. She heard her name being called. She turned her heel, Fp was calling her over as he handed her a piece of apple pie. She took the piece of apple pie and devoured it. She was starving. "I guess I worked you up an appetite." He smirked as he snuck a bite of the pie. She sent a glare in his direction. He laughed as he grabbed her hand. Fp couldn't stop staring at her beautiful smile. She wore it like it was not a problem. This caused him to think of first time he met her. It felt just like yesterday.

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