The Twenty-buck Bet

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Chapter 77- The Twenty-buck Bet

"What the fuck's happening here?!" A voice screams, FP's ears peak up and he drops Fred's leg.

Like a fly dropped, it turned quiet as if it was a mouse. Nobody knew what would be happening next. I guess they were standing in fear or in this case standing in a pile of snow and the other was coated in white flurries. Boy they were fucked.

"Again what the fuck!" The voice grew more impatient. Fred Finally was able to lift up his head.

"Mary..." He blinked again," Alice and Hermione!" His voice squeaked, his cheeks flushing pink. FP noticed three women marching up to them.

He knew he was in big trouble. And one of those women was Alice and Alice doesn't give a fuck why you do it. As long as you get along that's all she cares about. Alice glared at the man in front of her. She didn't have time for the games. She was tired from a long morning dealing with the hungover sisters. She dropped off Sierra over at Tom's place before she made her way here.

"Now tell me what's going on." Alice simply instructed as she walked over by FP and Fred.

FP had time to cool down and now he was reflecting on what happened. Was it worth nearly killing his best friend, probably not. Fred looked down as he stood up from the snow. He was freezing and snow was in places that it definitely shouldn't be in. Alice looked like her patience was running out. She had to deal with her hungover friends and now this crap. Not gonna happen today not under her watchful eyes.

"Fred made me angry and now I'm sorry..." He mumbles as he looked down at his snowcovered boots. Alice rolled her eyes and bit her tongue. She had like absolutely no patience left for anyone's bullshit.

Hermione clicked her tongue before approaching the hooligans and rolled her eyes. She looked directly at Fred and shook her head. "What did do you?" FP's eyes went straight to his friend.

"I- I-i might've told the kids here an embarrassing story about him and he threatened me to stop." Alice looked at her fiancé. Her eyes were fiery red and FP almost wished he was the one who was dunked in the snow pile.

"Are you fucking kidding, FP? You were about to kill Freddie over that story?!" She snapped, glaring her eyes at him and man she wanted to strangle him.

FP flinched a little and sucked at his lip almost nervously before he put his guard up. Mary almost wanted to laugh. She knew exactly what story they were talking about. Alice didn't find this funny.

"Y-Yes." He finally stammers out, avoiding her eyes and then looking at Fred. Fred was getting yelled at too, not just by Hermione but his ex-wife.

"God Fred you can be such an idiot, you know." Mary stated before Hermione joined. "And a big basterdo too." Hermione joined in.

By the end of the fight, FP and Fred hugged it out and Hermione and Alice taunted them until it was dark. Alice brought FP and the kids home and made dinner.


A week later, FP was woken up by kisses to his forehead, neck and finally his lips. His eyes quickly flickered open and his lips marked with a smile. With his eyes wide, he saw Alice with a very tight smirk on her lips.

"Morning birthday boy." Her voice trails on as she dips her head and grins. "Does the birthday boy love his surprise?" She asks as she saw his grin.

FP couldn't fight the grin from getting wider as she slowly enticed him. He watched in a trace as she pulled off his shirt and then her tongue dances down his chest. Her hands glide teasingly across his bare chest. Alice notices the growing bulge in his sleep pants and yanks them down to his ankles.

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