Shadows In The Dark

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Chapter 15 - Shadows In The Dark

In the halls of Riverdale High, Betty steered clear of Vixens. Since lt was Jughead's first day back since his departure from the Northside. Also SouthSide High shut down, meaning that the Southside Serpents were making their way to Riverdale High. Cheryl formed alliances against them. The bull dogs stood there ground against the Serpents. Betty's first class was Algebra 2. Betty was a wiz at math. Jughead not so much, he was a good writer. But not good with math.

Lately Betty Cooper didn't have time to practice for the River Vixens. She had been so busy with the Black hood Fiaco, she completely forgotten to practice her routines. Betty's Choreography didn't match the beats of the music. She kept missing and messing up her turns. She felt flustered as she tried to land her last back handspring. She instead tumbled over and the girls of the squad mocked her with their laughs. Cheryl snapped her fingers and the other vixens stopped laughing.

"Betty, What's going on?" Cheryl asked sincerely as she grabbed Betty's arm gently. Betty sat on the mat with her legs crossed over each other.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I just been very distracted lately." Betty confessed still hearing the giggles from the vixens. Cheryl knew exactly how Betty felt. Cheryl had all this pressure on top of shoulders and after she found her father murdered her brother. She was unsteady and mourning her loss. She slung an arm over Betty's neck. The two walked out of the gym side by side.

"Betty, it's okay. I understand. I'm just saying this in private. But when I found my father murdered my brother I was livid and upset. I walked straight up to my father and said "Daddy you did a bad thing. And everybody knows." Betts, why don't you take off of practice. You had a tough first day back." Cheryl explained as she hugged her cousin. Betty was still skeptical of Cheryl's overly niceness lately. Betty nodded, turned back to Cheryl and smiled.

Betty grabbed her cheer bag and walked out of the gym. She didn't see where she was going and bumped into Archie. They still haven't talked about the kiss they shared before she was attacked by the Black Hood. Maybe they were both terrified of the outcome. And if it would ruin their relationships with their partners or with themselves.

"Betty, we should really talk about, well you know." Archie whispers into her ear. She agreed with Archie. They needed to talk about it.

"Arch, it was just a fluke. I was upset about Jug and you were upset about Roni, Okay." Betty said earnestly as she looked down at her cheer shoes. Archie seemed unconvinced at her tone. It seemed like she was contemplating about their kiss, but he let it slide off his shoulders.

"Yeah, Betts that's it. So we are okay?" Archie asked with apologetic smile. Betty couldn't resist that smile. The smile she loved to see when she was down.

"Yes, Arch we are good." Betty smiled as she picked up cheer bag and went over to Jug who was waiting by the stairs. Jughead watched the intense scene unfold. He wasn't sure if he should be worried about it or not. She grabbed jug's hand and they left the building.

Meanwhile at the Lodges. Hermione and Hiram lodge were still trying to illegally buy Southside High. Their daughter was clueless. When Roni got home from school, she stormed into her room. Tears burned her eyes. She couldn't believe that Betty kissed Archie. Yes they were broken up. That didn't mean it still didn't hurt. She pulled her duvet cover over her face. Her tear drops stained the white fur. She was so furious with Betty. It seemed like pay back for what she did to Betty on her first day in Riverdale. She heard her phone buzz numerous times. She flipped her phone over to see Betty's name pop up.

B- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. I still have to tell Jug. Me and Archie agreed it was the heat of the moment and we are truly sorry for betraying your trust, Roni.

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