Raise Your Glass, Alice

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Chapter 76- Raise Your Glass, Alice

A couple weeks later, Alice was out with her girlfriends. The music played in the background as she sucked down a tequila shot. Mary was very intoxicated as the stripper gave her a lap dance in the back room. Hermione sat down next to Alice and Sierra whistled.

"Oh wow." Sierra started as she sucked the shot glass clean. Alice and Hermione's eyes followed. And there they spotted Mary with her tongue down the stripper's throat. "We should stop her before she does something she regrets later." Alice and Hermione left their drinks and quickly came to their friend's rescue.

Surprisingly Mary didn't pick a fight. She just followed her three best friends out of the back room. She hoped she wouldn't contract a STD. Even though she was drunk off her ass, she also knew how to be smart. The party continues to go smoothly.

"Who's the bride to be?" A tall gentleman asks and Alice's hand was raised.

Before she knew what was happening, dollars were stuffed in the strippers tiny underwear. The music moved the room and Alice's smile doesn't leave her face. Hermione laughed as Mary shot down three shots and Sierra smirked. They were happy that Alice was having fun.

FP's bachelor party was everything you could expect. Fred was hammered, Tom was singing and FP; he was watching them in amazement. He didn't that a bachelor party could be so fun. He knew that Strippers were there. He didn't touch them. He was aware that he was surrounded by booze and chicks.

Fred was on the table with a microphone in his head spurting out slurs and cackling when he nearly broke his neck. FP groaned at the thought of being the driver to his own party. He could always call Jughead to come rescue him.

A loud holler broke his thoughts. He looked over tot he stage and saw his friend staggering all over the place and FP fought slapping his buddy.

"I want to say a few words for my best frie-eened, FP here!" Fred's loud voice echoed through the mic.

Fred took a few steps forward but not falling over. "FP, I'm so proud of you, Man. You've gotten sober and now getting married. Well again! But for the real reasons." FP laughed, his chest getting heavy.

"Thanks buddy!" He shouted over the crowds whistles. He slowly started to approach the stage."Let's get you home, Freddie." He lightly whispered as he carried Fred to the exit.

"To my Man, Forsythe Pendleton Jones Junior, Everybody!" Fred screamed, slurring his words as FP carried him.

Luckily they were in the parking lot and not far from his house. He knew Alice would be really drunk and Hermione too. So he called Jughead. When Jughead got there. He wasn't expecting to see Mr. A stumbling over his feet and slurring so much he couldn't tell if he was saying ham or Hiram. Jughead was impressed his dad didn't drink and he was very proud of him. But a little disappointed by Mr. Andrews.

After they got settled into the truck, FP and Jug lifted his bike into the back of the truck. Before they made an exit, Jughead looked at his dad and smiled,"I'm very proud of you, Dad." That's all FP ever wanted to her for so long.

"Thanks Jug. That means a lot, it really does, Son." His keys twisted into the ignition. He could hear Jughead's laugh and smiled.


The next morning, Alice smirks at her hungover friends as they gathered for a get together. Mary's eyes were red and she kept rubbing at her temples every thirty minutes. Compared to her friends she drank less than them. Alice stood tall in the kitchen as she whipped up some quick hangover remedies for her three friends. Sierra awoke first on the hardwood floor and slowly lumbered her sore heels across the room and over the sweet smell coming from the hallway.

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