Tainted Pain

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Chapter 37~ Tainted Pain

Flashback - A few months after Hal Cooper asked Alice to join Blue and Gold. Fp started having a feeling. This feeling gnawed him up inside. Was he losing his Allie? Fp hated the feeling. He noticed Alice distancing herself from wyrm and the southside Serpents.

Fp rolled out his dusty bike. He had to put it away for the winter. He sat on the seat and felt this instant enjoyment radiating off the sun and into his blood. He checked his watch and saw it was three in the afternoon. He put his foot on the gas and drove off. With the wind blowing against his face. The sun beating on his back. The spring air lifted the winter cold from his body. Spring was always his favorite season. That meant he could ride his motorcycle. Prom had already passed. Fp actually had a good time. As he pulled into the parking lot to meet Fred for band rehearsal, he got eye full of something he didn't want to see neither imagine.

Alice, his Allie was making out with a blonde behind the bleachers. Fp felt so betrayed. His heart shattered. At that moment he felt his future being mangled and tattered. He was going to propose in the near future. Fp already had a ring picked out in his mind. He could feel tears starting to burn his eyes. He wanted to tear his eyes out. But at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to. Three years of being together was all now down the fucking drain. Fp never felt so heartbroken.

"Allie." Fp uttered as he felt his voice starting to crack. Alice was startled by his voice. She looked up to see Fp standing there. She quickly pulled herself away and started walking up to him. That's when Fp saw Hal Cooper. He should of known. He knew Hal would do this. And this time he succeeded.

"Fp, baby it's not what it looks like." She said as her voice quivered with gulit. Fp felt his eyes burn with angry tears.

"Really! Alice you think I'm going to believe that crap!" He snapped as angry boiled up in his veins. Alice stood there with tears escaping her eyes as she listened to him. "So that wasn't you sticking your fucking tongue down his throat! I can't believe you!" Fp growled as he pointed his fingers angrily.

Alice swallowed the lump down her throat. "Fp please let me explain." She begged as she moved closer to him. He pushed her away.

"No!" He yelled as he turned away from her. He could feel his eyes burning with tears. Alice could tell he was crying. She felt bad.

"Fp please!" She cried as she continued to beg him. He just stayed with his back turned. "Please! Fp please! I love you!" She begged with tears streamed down her face. Fp lashed around and his eyes grew with rage.

"IF YOU REALLY DID LOVE ME? YOU WOULD'NT OF CHEATED!" Fp screamed as angry tears raced down his cheeks. He couldn't hold it in anymore. Alice felt the guilt consume her.

"F-." She was interrupted by his earth shattering yell.

" I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" He yelled as his teeth clenched. Hal just stood there with an amused look on his face. It was like enjoy ruining peoples life's. "Oh you think this is so funny? How would you like my fist hitting your fucking precious face!" He screamed whaling his arms. Fp threw his arm back and lunged his fist forward conducting his fist with Hal's stupid face.

"Fp! Stop!" Alice cried as she tried to pry Fp off of Hal. He just kept hitting until someone pulled him back. He turned around to see Clifford Blossom. His eyes were lit with anger.

"That's enough, Fp! Why don't you go back to your side! Where you belong!" Clifford mocked as he threw Fp to the side. Clifford stood there laughing and Hal laughed as well. Fp wiped his corner of his mouth. His hand was bruised, but not broken. "Come on Hal let's go." He demanded Hal as he pulled him away.

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