Nightmare In The Dark

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Chapter 24- Nightmare In The Dark

The darkened shallows of the the night burned through the sun risen sky. Alice sprawled out of bed. She went over to the curtains. Alice looked through the fog covered windows. She heard banging come through the empty house. Shivers were sent down her spine, freezing every part of her body. She felt she couldn't move. Frozen to the edge of the stairs. The pounding, breaking glass shattering on the hard wood floors. She grabbed the gun from her drawer. She slowly tiptoed down the stairs. The sound of breaking glasses burned her ears. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. The fear shot through her blood streams. She reached the last step, but before she saw her was going on. Someone pulled a blindfold over her eyes. She couldn't see, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt her eyes burn with fear. She starting screaming. "Let me go!" She screamed as she tried her best to wiggle herself out of the grasp. She heard the growls and groans as she punched and kicked. She tried her best to get loose. Someone began choking her. She felt the cold gloved hands tighten their grip around her neck. She felt her oxygen being ripped from her lungs. She slowly started to close her eyes. She breathed in whatever was stuffed in her mouth to stop her from screaming.

Alice woke up with heavy pounding headache. Her arms, legs, everything was in excruciating pain. The blindfold was ripped off her eyes. She opened her eyes to see her worst nightmare. She wanted to scream, cry. She looked around the 4x10 room. She could see the brittle bars of the chipping paint. The man right in front of her. The man who abused her day and day her whole life. He was right in front of her. The chilling wind of his icy breath burned her skin as he hit her with the whip. The whip caused her to scream out in pain. Tears burned her strained eyes. She looked at Hal through the tears as he continued to beat her with the whip.

"Did you miss me!" Hal laughed as he grabbed her arm and twisted. She cried out in pain. All she wanted was to be in the arms of Fp. She wanted her daughter and her son.

"W-where a-m I-I?" Alice chattered out through as the icy cold cuffs on her hands clattered together. Hal looked at the Alice. He knew how terrified she was. He knew her inside and out.

"Oh Allie. I wouldn't tell you. Let's just say you are at a special place." Hal spurted as he leaned closer to her. Alice flinched at the touch. His hands glide on her thigh. She felt like needed to throw up. Holding the burning acids in her throat. She tried to lean to the side. But instead the acids burned up in her throat. Causing her to throw up all over Hal. Hal's face contorted into disgust covered in rage. He abruptly shot up. "You bitch!" He screamed in the chilliest tone she ever heard in her life. He reacted and slapped her again with the whip. Alice's eyes burned with tears of fear.

"P-lease le-t meee goo!" Alice yelled as tears burned her eyes as the whip burned her skin. The whips got even harder. They became more frequent each time. Hal crooked a smirk on his face. He loved watching her beg.

"Oh poor Alice Smith. You always begged me for everything. You begged me to stay with you. Even when you cheated on me with that serpent trash. You wanted to keep his son as well! What the hell was I to you? Well no this time you won't be crawling away without a scratch. Your pretty little face will be disfigured and nobody will ever recognize you! Nobody will care your gone!" Hal threatens as he throws a string around her neck. He starts pull the string harder around her neck. Alice feels the string burning it's way her neck. The string begins cutting off her oxygen. Alice tried to kick as the cuffs held her back. The cuffs make it impossible to fight Hal off. He yanks the string one more time. Alice felt the burning of her neck making its way down her body. She missed Fp. She kept thinking about the last words he said to her. He said if anything happened to her, he would be devastated. But was that really true?

Fp walked through the door his eyes meeting with horrifying scene. Betty, Chic and Jughead stopped in their tracks. Fp couldn't stop staring at the bloody glass on the floor, the smeared bloody handprints in the walls. Betty felt her stomach starting to knott up. Jughead looked at his father.

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