Jump Into The Deep End, Pray You Survive

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Chapter 73: Jump Into The Deep End, Pray You survive

Tuesday, September, 12th , 2018

The first day on preparing was the hardest on The Jones's. Betty helped Jellybean dress for her meeting with her Lawyer, Mary Andrews. It was hard for Jellybean. She had Auntie Mar. But she felt weird about how well she knew her. But that also helped and gave her advantage.

Wednesday, September, 13th, 2018

Fp awoke that morning with Alice in his arms. He had decided it was just a stupid argument and no need to make a thing. Alice had proved to him that he was her only man. He pulled the sheets up to his neck and turned on his side. He didn't want to get up. He dreaded this day. It was Jellybean's court case. He didn't want her to go through this. He had faith in Mary. She never let him down. She will fight until Justice has been served, maybe a side of guilty. She loved to see the wrong cry. He knew her clients loved her and were pleased by her work. She's a fiery women in the court room and outside there she was still a fiery badass.

He pulled his weight out of the bed and over to his closet. He skimmed through his clothes and pulled out his black suit. He didn't think he would have to use this anytime soon. He thought he would have some years before he had to pull out his dusty suit.

He heard Alice mumbling in her sleep as stripped his boxers and changed into new one. He placed his arms through the sleeves and sighs he looks into the mirror hanging on the wall. He could see his dark circles under his eyes. He hated the way he looked with a passion. Alice slowly flickered opened and crawled out of the warmth and wrapped her arms around Fp's neck.

"It will be okay. We will take this bastard down and JB will be safe from him." He wanted to believe she was right. But the negatives kept nagging at his thoughts. She could feel the knots in his neck as she massaged his sore neck.

Fp sighed and grunted as his neck throbbed from sleeping wrong and the stress. He had so much stress. It wasn't even funny. "I know..." He muttered apprehensively as he rolled his neck.

She deepened the massage and rubbed her soothing hands down his back. "It will. You just got to have faith in Mary. She knows what she's doing." She assures him as she finishes his massage and begins to get ready.

7:30 A.M, Jughead sprawled out of bed. Hair was a mess and his breath stunk. He casually walked out of his room and into the Bathroom. After the door shut, He strips from his clothes and hops in the shower. As the hot steamy water runs, His thoughts disappear and he feels like he's drama free for once. He grabs the shampoo bottle and squirts a hand-sized glob into his hand. He lathers it onto his head and massages it into his scalp. After his shower, He walks back into his room and gets ready for court. The second time he has to appear in court for his family. He dreads seeing his sister so unhappy. It hurts his heart. She used to be such a carefree kid and now she cares about everything and gets scared and flinches back if someone yells.

Betty was already up an hour ago and decided to make them breakfast. It still had been tense since the news broke. Jellybean didn't even want to go. She knew that she might lose. Jared had a lot of money from being a drug dealer. She knew he could just pay his way and then later kill her. She throws on her dress clothes and walks out of her room.

When they all came downstairs. Plates of pancakes laid out for them. Betty sweetly set the plates down and everyone began eating. It silent for the whole breakfast.

Driving to court was a literal nightmare. Jellybean's stomach was roaring with anxiety and nerves. When Fp pulled into the parking lot his stomach gnawed as the truck's engine died down. He couldn't stop clenching his fist as he looks at the white haunting image. He was about to head into the Court house when He feels a soft touch. He looks back and sees Alice and she sends him a soft smile. He tries to keep a positive head as he opens the door. A revive from a motorcycle turns Jellybean's head. Her heart melts when she sees Sweet Pea take off his helmet. As he moved his hand through his hair as he walks over to her. He hooks his arm around her waist. She hopes that her boyfriend and her dad can get along. She really needed them to be there for her.

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