Valentine's Sex

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Chapter 78: Valentine's Sex

Today marked the first Valentine's day together since they broke all those years ago. Alice laid out her outfits on her bed. She scratched the back of her neck and groaned. She couldn't figure out what she wanted. She tried so many outfits that she was about to say fuck it and wear pajamas.

"Mom?" She heard somebody yell from outside the door. "I need help picking out an outfit for tonight with Sweet Pea."

She threw open the door, finding Jellybean holding out two dresses." JB..." She sighed." I need help too." JB's eyes widened and squealed.

"Oh no! Yeah I'll help you." Alice smiles. She couldn't be prouder. Jellybean would look amazing that red strapless dress.

"Pick the red."

"Are you sure? Even with my bulging baby bump?" She nods her head and smiled." Yes. You look amazing." She said as pulled a string of hair behind her ear.

"Aw! Thanks Ma!" JB exclaimed as she pulled her into a great big hug.

Alice felt the baby kick." Oh Jel, the baby's kicking!"

"For real? Oh wow that feels weird." She giggled as she placed her hands over her bump.

"I know it always does the first time." The room grew silent. Jellybean felt cold for a second. She still remember how she felt when she only a month pregnant with.... Jared's baby. She didn't want to remember.

Alice notices the tears and wiped them away with her fingers. Her voice was soft when she spoke to Jellybean. "Oh... I'm sorry sweetie." She had forgotten for just a millisecond about Jellybean's first pregnancy.

Jellybean dry chuckles," It's okay. I know it didn't hit me until I remembered." A small tear rolled down her cheek before she swiped it away.

"How about that dress over there?" She suggested, while pointing to the one on the chair by Alice's makeup dress.

Alice's eyes scanned the room and found the dress JB was talking about. "Oooh yes that one! Thank you Jells!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around her newly found daughter. With a smirk she says," Plus I will totally get some with him tonight."

Jellybean groans." Ew! Didn't want to know, Mom!" She says while holding a disgusted face.

She giggled at JB's face." Sorry you wanted to know." JB pulled a face again. "No! I didn't!"

Alice held her hands up." Alright, alright. You can go." She watched as JB headed toward the door.

"Oh wait." The girl smiled and then pointed. "Black and a sweet necklace to go with it." Alice nodded and sighed once the door shut.

After the door shut she dialed Hermione for a little more help. She didn't want to horrify the teenager any-longer. "Ello?" Spoke Hermione." Hey. I need help with picking out sexy lingerie to wear for FP tonight."

"Ah! Coming over in ten!" Hermione squealed loudly in Alice's ear before she hung up.
Meanwhile FP bathed the twins in the bath tub. Aubree laid in the shower chair, gurgling as she splashed her small hands into the soapy water. Her twin brother held a secret grin on his face when he kicked his little foot and splashed his dada in the face.

"Dada." Aubree babbled and sprayed him in the face. FP turned his attention back to the ten-month and chuckled. "Yep you're getting dada all soaked." He looked down and noticed his dress shirt that he was going to wear tonight was all soapy. He held in grumble and sighed.

After their bath, FP toweled the twins dry and laid them down for bed time. In twenty minutes was his date with Alice for valentine's day. He couldn't wait to have a nice dinner and chat over drinks. Of course he wouldn't be drinking. He would be sober like he's been for almost two-years now. He's proud of himself and hopes to stay sober.

"Honey, are you done?" He heard Alice yelling. He took a moment to look at himself in the reflection mirror and sighed heavily.

"All done." When he came downstairs his eyes met with stunningly beautiful Alice standing by the staircase with her hands propped on the railing.

"You look handsome, Baby." Alice drawls out, hooking their arms together and kissing him.

They drove to the restaurant. FP got out of the truck and walked over to Alice's door and smiled while he opened the door for her. She thanked him sweetly with a kiss and they entered the restaurant. Fred offered to watch the twins for FP and Alice, since everyone had dates. It wasn't long before they were seated at a both with a small light hanging above the table.

Alice reaches for her drink and smiled." This has been a great night." FP loved her smile. It made him feel grounded.

"I'm glad you're having a great night, Al." He says as he held her hands in his over the table.

Soon their food was ready and they began eating. A short time later, they're finished and FP pays the tab. He helped Alice back into the truck and they head home. It was eleven when they tiptoed in to find Fred and Hermione snoozing away. Alice softly chuckled as FP dragged her carefully upstairs and closed their door behind them.

He backed her into the bed, she places her hands in the mattress and prepared herself for her treat. She had been craving him since she saw him before they left for the restaurant. She could've said fuck it and took him to bed but she enjoyed dinner and this was her dessert.

"Has my baby needed me?" He dared as his tongue trails down her collarbone and sneaking his fingers to her bra strap before unclasping it.

Alice nods lazily, sliding her bra completely off and showed her bare sun-kissed shoulders. He licks his lips as he felt his erecting cock harden. Alice smirked heavily as her hands found his zipper and shoving his dress pants to his ankles and he kicked them off.

"I want to be on top." She purred raising her legs and straddling hips waist in between her folds.

"Alright Baby." He grunts as he slides his finger out of her slightly wet pussy.

She gasps as his hands grabbed her ass and slapped hard causing her to giggle. Her breathing only just started to breath play. She starts thrusts onto his pulsing cock and rocked the bed.

"Squeeze my tits." She order, while riding him hard and soon she felt herself starting to orgasm.

He squeezed her sensitive nipples and she gasped and buckled under his touch. Her hips settled and she rolled them over. Now FP was on top of her. He had her arms pinned, her body quaked and he starts slowing the thrusts.

After a while they got tired. Their breathing labored and panted heavily beside each other. She grabbed the bed sheet, hugging it against the both of them and sighed. FP slowly felt Alice drift into slumber and chuckled.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Alice whisper, half-asleep.

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