Buzzer Sounded

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Chapter 66- Buzzer Sounded

The following day, Jellybean awoke with redden eyes from crying herself to sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about his threat. Jared can't find her. She would be dead and she would be able to see her father again. She knew it would crush him if she died. She snuck out the window and got onto Sweet Pea's bike. She didn't tell him the details on why she was there. Sweet Pea wasn't very pleased when he pulled up to Sheriff station. He couldn't believe she was going to see this fucker. He held in his snort as he saw the Toledo shithead's plumed face. His eyes were blackened. He still had a broken nose from where Jellybean told him off in front of the whole party.

"I said alone." She rolled her eyes at his suggestion. Was he really that dumb? Apparently he was.

"No you blackmailed me to come other ways you were going to tell Jared. How could you even use that? That's fucked up, Luke." She spat with raged eyes. Sweet Pea couldn't believe he used this as leverage.

"You asshole. That's not okay. If you wouldn't behind  that glass I would kill you." Sweet pea threatened with clenched teeth. Jellybean scowled at him and he relaxed.

"Anyway what did you need me for?" She asked sarcastically, holding the phone in a death grip.

"My mother!"

"What about your mother?"

"She was murdered! And your fucking family is responsible!" He raged as his face turned angry red.

"What are you talking about?!" Sweet Pea interrupted clenching his jaw and fisting his hands.

"Penny Peabody is my mother! And she was killed! And I won't stop until whoever's responsible is dead!" Jellybean knew who killed her. And she didn't even feel sorry.

"Well I'm sorry for yourself, Momma's boy." She mocked as he grew redder. "I guess being left in a fire train in Toledo wasn't the best for you huh."

"You bitch! Insult my mother! I will tell Jared and he kill murder you just like my mother was." Sweet Pea stood up and slammed his hands in the glass.

"Oh the hell your not! You do know what your messing with?! No you don't! You father dumped a teenage boy in a river! I would watch your back if I were you! And me. Well I killed a bunch of your mommies friends that night!" This sent Luke off the edge.

He slammed his hands into the glass, guards had to restrain him and put him solitary confinement. Jellybean and Sweet Pea left the building. Her eyes hurt desperately from holding her tears. He held her steady as she cried in the middle of the parking lot. Pain reached her eyes. She couldn't take it anymore.  "Jellybean, shhh. JB, it's okay. He can't get you." He reminded her calmly. But that wasn't why she was breaking down.

"No, it's Jared. He threatened me if I said a word. He would kill me and my family. He can't find out. He just can't. I can't die. Please don't let me die." Her sobs broke Sweet Pea's heart.

"Do you want me to take you home?" She shook her head frantically. "I could take you to my place." She smiled slightly as he took her hand and they walked to his bike.

It was finally time for Fp to plan the song out with Betty. Alice went back to work at the register. Her maternity leave just ended. He was a bit sad but it gave him time with his kids. Betty sat at the dining room table going over ideas for proposals with Fp. She had been waiting for weeks to finally start planning. She wanted to do it earlier but things got in the way. Veronica's dad's revenge against his daughter, her mother cheating and then Jellybean's boyfriend at the party.

"I was thinking a beach proposal." Betty hinted. Fp wasn't sure if she would like that.

"I don't know. She's not really the type to go all nuts on beaches." He added as he saw Betty rolled her eyes. She thought Fp was just stalling. It was driving her nuts. That had been stuck picking ideas for weeks.

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