Can A Heart Really Be Mended?

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Chapter 40 ~ Can A Heart Really Be Mended?

Fp snapped out of his nightmare. He didn't like remembering that time in his life. He rolled out of bed and grabbed his crutches. He took a short walk to kitchen and opened his fridge. To his surprise his fridge was stocked with food. But majority of his beer was gone. He knew all about Jughead drinking. He wasn't happy about it. He was afraid his son would start going down the same path he went when he was his son's age. It was right after Alice cheated on him. It wasn't a fond memory he liked to remember.
He checked the clock on his dining room wall. It was now 6pm. His son should of been home by now. Not that he was worried or anything. He knew Jughead had to drop off Betty, but that was hours ago. He went to his fridge and pulled out a can of Tomato sauce. He grabbed the noodle from his pantry. He poured the water into the pot and placed it on the stove. He saw his phone on the living room table and left the kitchen to dial an old friend.

"Hello?" Fred answered as Fp could hear a pot of water boiling. He smirked to himself. Fred always had been an overachiever.

"Hey Freddie." Fp tried to sound enthusiastic but failed miserably.

"Fp what's the matter? You sound drained." Fred asked as concerned inched it's way into his voice. Fp sighed and stared down at his feet.

" I just feel like I don't deserve her, Freddie. Why do I feel like this?" Fp asked feeling his voice strain. Fred was slient for a little moment.

"Fp is this about what happened in high school?" Fred questioned, even though he knew the answer.

"Yeah it is. I started remembering what happened. I don't think she will do it again. It's just a thought that keeps recurring to me." Fp explained as he let out sigh.

"Fp don't worry. She's not the same as she was back then. Your probably just paranoid. She loves you, man." Fred reassured him. "So are you popping the question anytime soon?" Fred equipped interest. Fp hadn't really thought about it. Was it too soon? Fp hadn't really had time to think about it either.

"Thanks Freddie." He thanked as he opened his tralier door and sat on the wooden steps. He paused and exhaled. " Freddie to be honest. I don't think it's the time. I highly doubt she knows I'm awake." Fp stated his opinion as he looked up to the darkening sky.

"Well when you decide to propose. Give me a call and I will help you plan it." Fred butted in. "Cause you don't really have the skills." Fred mocked as he laughed. Fp felt a smile tugging at his lips.

"Shut up!" Fp barked jokingly as Fred continued laughing.

"Hey its true Forsythe" He chimed in Fred still laughing. Fp fought his laugh he was holding back, not wanting to give Fred his satisfaction.

"Fine you can help me. I got to go cook my noddles before they burn." Fp explained as he got to the kichen in time. Fp could hear Fred laughing at his statement.

"Okay don't burn the noodles. That was always your worst meal, Fp." Fred teased. "Bye Fp. Don't burn your tralier down." He said before hanging up.

Cheryl smiled at her phone as she read a message. She couldn't believe Toni gave her number during gym. Gym wasn't her favorite class. But Toni made it much more enjoyable. Archie walked through the front door and spotted Cheryl biting back a smile as she stared her phone.

"Who are you talking to?" Archie asked as he tried to sneak a peek at her phone. Cheryl glared at him. He didn't need to be snooping through her phone.

"Archie stop, it's my phone!" She stated coldly as she forced the screen to turn off, so he couldn't read the message. Archie sighed and turned away from her.

"I'm sorry Cheryl. I was just wondering if it was who I thought it was." Archie stated hiding a grin. Cheryl bit back a smile that was forming on her small round lips. Her lips felt a little dry. She took out some lip bom and applied it to her lips.

"Oh really? Who did you think?" Cheryl teased as she fixed her lips. Archie knew she was trying to play him. He knew exactly who she was talking to.

"A certain biker chick." Archie smirked as her face blushed up. He knew he caught her. Cheryl was stunned how did he know?

"H-ow did you know?" She asked with a surprised tone hinting at him. Archie smiled up at her.

"I heard from Veronica. She told me about your little phone number exchange." Archie explained as he leaned back on the couch. She stared at him humorlessly. "I know your ticked at her. But don't be mad at her. I begged her to tell me." Archie announced sincerely.

Cheryl was a little mad that Veronica told him. But she happy it wasn't Betty or Jughead. She couldn't handle Jughead's comments about it. After a year of uncalled for comments. She would sure receive some in return.

"I'm a little mad, but I won't hold it against her." Cheryl stated with a smile leaving her lips. Her stomach rumbles and caused Archie to stare at her.

"You must be hungry, Cher." He teased as he tried to reach the phone that was in her tight grasp. "Don't worry, I'm starving too." He admitted as he headed to the kitchen.

Jughead and Betty plopped next to each other with their arms and legs entwined together. They still had sweat dripping down their backs. It was their first time and Betty couldn't be more pleased. She rested her head on his chest and smiled. Jughead looked down at his chest and smiled at Betty who was resting her head on his chest. Jughead was the first to make a word come out of his mouth.

"So that was ..." Jughead started but Betty finished his sentence and kissed both his cheeks softly.

"Yes that was amazing, Juggie." She stated as she still had her head on her chest. Then she softened her tone. "I'm so glad you were my first time." Betty confessed as she leaned into his arms. Jughead rolled over in his side and checked his phone. He had three miss class from his dad and two messages from him as well.

"Betty I should go. It's 7pm and my dad made dinner for us." Jughead sighed as he started to ease his way out of her bed. Betty frowned and begged.

"Please stay the night." She begged with puppy dog eyes. Oh no, Jughead thought as he couldn't resist those eyes. " I can't be alone. It feels weird. I'm pretty sure your dad will understand." Betty negotiated with him. Jughead let out a sigh and crawled back into bed.

"Okay I will stay. I know you don't want to be alone." Jughead said sympathetically as Betty curled up in his arms. He kissed her cheek and said. "Good night, Juliet." Jughead whispered into her ear as he shut his tired eyes.

"Goodnight, Juggie." Betty whispered back as she shut her eyes as well.

Kevin laid in his bed and couldn't stop thinking about the serpent. What was about him, that thought they were so unbelievably attractive? He had no idea. It was time to go to sleep but his mind was wired and wouldn't stop thinking about it. He closed his eyes and fell into a dream.

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