Truth Always Gets Out

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Chapter 9- Truth Always Gets Out

Betty's phone rang in the now quiet diner. She picked it the phone. "Hello?" She said into the phone. Jughead and Fp turn around. Archie who was sitting directly a-crossed Betty saw Betty's face turn into a look of disgust and hatred. Archie wondered who she was on the phone with. "Betty. I have so very difficult news to tell you." Sheriff Keller stated. Betty felt her fingers slipping on her already red cuts from days prior. Betty clicked the speaker button on her iPhone. Archie, Veronica, jughead, Fp , Kevin and Pop Tate listened closely.

"What is the news?" Betty asked as felt her throat fill with air. Betty heard a huge sigh from the other end break through the silence of Pop's diner. Jughead walked over to Betty, comforting her with his arms around her. "Betty. I'm sorry to say this. I know you're not going like this but... the black hood didn't attack your mother." Sheriff Keller explained. Betty felt her breathing pick up more as she listened intently to his words. "Betty, the person who attacked your mother is ..." He paused for a minute. She heard him take another shaky breath. "Who? Who was it? Mr Keller please tell me I need to know." She pleaded as tears stung her eyes. Jughead watched his girlfriend with a combination of fear, worry, anger and most of sympathy. Fp watched as the perfect girl, Betty cooper was shattering before his very eyes. He had never seen Betty so heartbroken, it was heart wrenching.

"I'm so sorry, Betty. But it was your father who attacked her. He confessed to everything. And he did it on purpose. He also pretended to really out of it. When he really knew what he did. Again I'm sorry Betty." He stated before Betty hit the end button stunned. Betty felt so much rage boiling in within her. She felt so much betrayal. Her own father would do this to her. She was so angry. She had never felt this nauseated before. Her stomach lurched and she ran for the nearest trash can. All of what she ate at pop's earlier came rushing out. After she was done puking, she lifted her head, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Tears burned her swollen eyes. Anger filled the room.

Fp kicked the garbage can so hard it fell over, spilling whatever the contents were there. Pop Tate even care. He honestly knew how angry Fp was so he didn't make a big deal of it. He was so furious, he couldn't believe Hal was so cruel. He really wasn't any better than Clifford Blossom. Fp felt sick to his stomach. It got even worse, when he saw Betty's heartbreaking reaction to the news. Jughead was so angry himself. Veronica had tears spilling out her eyes. Archie was stunned. He couldn't believe or he didn't want it to be true. Hal cooper was the perfect father. Or so what he thought he was. Kevin just wrapped his arms around her. Betty took the embrace and hugged Kev back. "Thanks Kev." She whispers as her throat feels like it's closing up on her, like she was out of oxygen. "You're welcome Betts." He says with a soft smile printed on his face.

Alice turned on the tv in her hospital room as she laid back in her bed. She was flipping through the channels. When she finally got tired of looking, she just clicked on a random one. It was the news. The headline said Mrs cooper case solved. Alice felt her stomach tighten, her blood freeze as it reached her heart. Her hands felt numb as she thought more and more about Hal attacking her. She gets out tomorrow. She couldn't wait to get out of this stupid uncomfortable bed. As she watched the tv, she felt a sense of relief. It was like the abuse was finally over and she could return to her true style. She wasn't going to be the overbarring mother who only cared about how everything was perfect. She hated always be uptight and preppy all the fucking time. Tears of joy fell from her eyes as she watched the screen.

Fp drove the kids to the station. It's been awhile since he has been there. Pop Tate said he should stay at pop's for the rest of the town. The guilt burned into him like fire on acid burning through his heart. Betty, Archie, and the rest of the group were in Fp's truck. Fred met them at the station first. Fp watched as Hal was pushed down the hall. Anger was brought up within him. He wanted to kill him, but he knew that it wasn't a good choice. He didn't want to land himself in prison. But this time for a crime he committed. Betty's eyes burned her fathers as she watched be put away. The tears of anger were still there.

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