Think Before You Act

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Chapter 52~ Think Before You Act

Kevin was outside the building, when he spotted a bunch of police cars. He instantly knew his dad got his call. Tom exited his car and made his way to his son. He wasn't sure if he should scold or hug his son. Kevin watched as two others pulled. Alice was in the back of the squad car with tears running down her face. Fp was trying to keep himself from getting hysterical. He just watched his son get sliced up and heard the guns. He had no idea what happened after that. He shut the laptop after he saw Hal get shot. He couldn't handle anymore. He was overwhelmed with the pain he just witnessed. Alice reached for the door handle with her shaky hand. She was drained after being tortured. Finding out Hal was the Black Hood stung like a bitch. She couldn't believe she was married to such a monster. He totured his own daughter. Fp noticed that Alice's was shaking and grabbed her hand interweaving them together as he made his other hand open the door. She relaxed a little knowing that she wasn't alone. As they stood up the feeling of pure anger burned into their blood streams. Fp watched as he made his way into the building. He sprinted his way to his son once he laid his eyes on him. Jughead felt his eyes getting heavier as he stared up at the ceiling. Fp fought the tears that were burning in the back of his eyes. He watched as his son squirmed in pain. He saw scars that really starting to fade on his shoulder. It looked identical to Alice's. Alice raced over to her daughter who was visibly shaken. Betty was now feeling the after effects of the adrenaline kicking in.

"Betty shh it's okay, he's gone. You're free." Alice soothed her daughter as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. Betty didn't feel okay. She just didn't know what even happened. One minute she was saving Jughead next her father and Penelope were dead.

"Mom... I'm sorry i didn't listen. I just couldn't wait for Juggie to be found. He could of died if we didn't find him." Betty apologized as tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she rocked herself sliently. Alice didn't care at this point. All she cared about that her daughter was safe and sound.

"Betty that's not important. What's important is that your now safe." She stated as she held her close. Fp looked at his son with pity. Jughead knew his father was hovering over at him.

"Dad." His voice cracks as tears rolled down his cheeks. His father hated showing sign of weakness. He couldn't stop the tears. He was just like his father. "I'm sorry. I s-hould of known." He stutters as his eyes feel heavier. Fp listened to his son words. He hated seeing his son so vulnerable and exposed. He wish he was the one with the gun instead of Betty.

"Jug, it's okay I forgive you. If I was you. I would of assumed the same exact thing. All that matters is that we get you to hospital." He informs with his eyes ache with threatening tears.

Jughead was put on a stretcher and placed into the ambulance. Fp watched as the ambulance doors were forced shut. All the strength was removed and Fp fell to his knees on the pavement. Fred who was standing next to Tom walked over to Fp. He knelt down next to Fp and rubbed his shoulder. He had seen the obstacles that Fp had to go through to get where he's now. Alice led Betty out of the haunting room. Betty saw the flashing blue and red lights as she made her way outside. She spotted Fp crying into his hands on his knees. Archie reunited with his father. Betty still felt the trigger in her hands. As she watched her father being placed into a body bag she felt like a chapter of her life had been finally been sealed. Veronica hugged her parents tightly as she ran towards them. Toni and Cheryl were met by Toni's worried filled grandfather's eyes. Toni knew she terrified her grandfather. She didn't mean to.

Jughead was sitting in the ambulance looking around the tight quarters. He still felt the agonizing pain from when he was stabbed repeatedly in the stomach. Jughead didn't remember much. He could recall Betty pulling the trigger and the bullet hurled into Hal's stomach. Then Toni helped him out of the ropes. He did remember seeing her bloodshot eyes. He knew that Toni rarely cried and this of must been her breaking point. He remembered the look of anger and betrayal on Hal's face. He shivered when he blinked his eyes trying to block the memory from his mind. He felt the ambulance jerk forward. He noticed that they weren't moving. The door opened and he was pulled out of the ambulance. The last thing he remembered before he was sedated was the blurry image of doctors in blue surgical scrubs standing over him.

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