Aftermath Complexity

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Chapter 11- Aftermath Complexity

It was a long excruciating ride to the hospital. The only ones awake were Jug and Mr Andrews. Jughead was exhausted. All he wanted to do was sleep, but something kept him up. He had this feeling, that Jason Blossom case wasn't put to rest. Jug just had this constant nagging feeling that would stay in his pit of his stomach. Jug ignored it, hoping it would just disappear. Fred pulled into the parking lot, and dropping off the gang at the doors. Jughead turned his head and unbuckled his seat belt, before waking Archie up from his slumber. Archie groggily rubbed his eyes. He then yawned, reaching his arms back and stretchered. He lightly shook Veronica awake. She opened her eyes. She slowly tried her best to not waking B, But Betty woke up anyway. They all were now out of the car. Betty and the rest followed her to the waiting room. Betty was so happy to finally be able to see her mother. She haven't seen her for two days. And those days were horrible. Betty and Jug were first to visit.

"Mom." Betty said as she hugged her mother. Alice's smile grew when she saw her daughter. Tears of joy were brought into her eyes. "Betty, I miss you so much. How are you feeling?" She asked Betty. Betty swallows the lump in her throat. Her mother was her world. "Mom, honestly I'm not good. Hal is such a fucking monster and I'm so ashamed he is my father." Betty spat as tears burned her cheeks. Alice was shocked by her daughter's word choice. But she didn't disagree with her. "I'm so sorry you had to find out that way. I didn't want you to find out. I'm ashamed I married him. But I'm not at all ashamed of having you or Polly, not ever will I be." She confessed as tears glide down her still bruised cheeks. Fp was still by her side, instead of having her in his arms. He was sitting in the chair that was right next to her bed.

Fp got out his chair, went up to his son and hugged him. Jug embraced the hug from his father. Fp sent his son a look. Jug got what the look meant. Fp and jughead waved goodbye and left the room. Outside the door jughead and his dad were standing in the hall. "Dad, did she tell you about the baby?" Jug simply asked his father. Fp didn't expect his son to ask him that question. He thought he have a little more time to completely let the news soak in.

"Yeah. She told me." He answered his son. Jughead's face turned into a flash of anger. Fp noticed the sudden anger fuming on his son's face. He was shocked to see how angry Jug looked.

"jug, are you okay?" Fp asked with concerned tone in his voice. Jughead wanted so bad to tell his father. But he knew how his father would take the news.

"No, not at all." Jughead admitted as stared at the floor. Fp saw how his son looked at the floor, it was almost like he was hiding something.

"jug, what is bothering you? You know you can tell me." Fp expressed as his eyes shifted to the way his son was standing. Jughead always made a strange face and crossed his legs, when he tries to lie. Jughead lifted his head.

"its just that Betty told me, that he's been doing this since she got pregnant with your baby." Jughead confesses as he sniffed. Fp looks right at his son. He's trying to contain his anger. "What!" Fp snapped as his eyes were boiling with a look that could kill. Jughead saw the flare of anger his father was barely hiding. "Yeah, I'm sorry. She didn't tell you that did she?" Jughead sighed. Fp walked over to his son.

"Jug, don't feel bad. I did need to know. And I'm glad you told me. I'm not mad at you. Okay Jug, don't feel bad, it wasn't your fault." He spoke in a soft affirmative tone. Jughead still was angry at the situation and all he wanted to do was hurt Hal cooper.

"Okay." Jughead sighed as he was still looking at the ground. Fp pulled his son closer. He brought his hand and lifted his chin.

"Jughead, it's okay. I'm not mad, I'm just trying to figure out all this. I just found out I was a father. I had no idea. I just feel gulity I didn't notice something was wrong. When he lied about her being on vacation. S-he was really at the place. I can't even describe how gulity I feel right now." Fp confessed as his eyes burned. Jughead saw how emotionally shook his father was. He placed a soothing hand on his father's shoulder. Fp felt a small hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see his son. Fp was surprised his son was still there. He thought his son would get up and leave.

"Dad, don't feel like you failed. You didn't even know. Don't make yourself feel guilty for someone else's doing. I'm so proud on how you stepped up to be a better father. And I know we have a rocking relationship. But Dad I really am happy for you." He told his father in a accepting tone. Fp took his son's words to heart. He knew he should feel gulity. It's not his fault or doing. Hal was the real crimainal here and he is getting what he deserves. He had so much angry still being in his soul.

Archie sat in the waiting room in the uncomforable chairs. He always hated waiting rooms. Waiting rooms are depressing, numbing, basically all the emotions combined. He watched as Veronica snored like a trucker on the couch. She looked so priceless. Roni felt a pair of eyes staring at her. She rolled over on her back, looked up to find Archiekins staring at her. A grin formed on her face. Archie noticed that Roni rolled over in her back and now was staring at him. He knew he was caught.

"Hey roni, you're up." He said with a sweet warming smile. "Archiekins, I know you were staring at me." She teased as she messed with his ginger hair. "Ron, Would you like me to get some coffee from the cafe?" Archie asked as she continued to mess with his hair. Roni's smile grew wider. She didn't know how she ended up with the best guy she ever had. He made her smile, laugh, giggle and all the other emotions. "That would be very sweet of you, Archiekins." She smiled as she got up from the couch and planted a kiss on his lips. Then she left the room, leaving Archie smirking.

Archie handed to the cafe. He knew exactly what Roni wanted. One smoked butterscotch latte he told the barista. She made the drink and handed it to him. He grabbed the streaming cup and brought it to Roni, who was now siting back in the couch, looking through magazines. Veronica looked up from her magazine, she took the cup from Archie's hand. She brought the streaming cup to her lips, lets the sweet liquid inside slide right down her throat. The taste consumed her, she felt so good. She set the cup on the table.

"Thanks Archiekins, you are the best." She equipped as pressed her lips on his lips. Her lips connected with his. Archie could taste the sweetness of her coffee. He pulled away and smiled at her. It was like his smile was contagious, she felt herself smiling right back at him. "Youre welcome, Roni." He replied as he brought his drink into his mouth as well.

Fred came into the waiting room. He saw Jug and Fp having what seemed like an intense conversation. He watched as Fp's face was scowling. He thought he should interfere. Before it escalates to a bigger argument.

"Jug, Fp, what's going on here?" He interrupted as he walked over to them. Fp and Jug turned their heads towards the sound. Fp was relieved it was only Fred.

"Uh, um Jug told me something and it made me angry. It wasn't towards him." Fp stated looking down at his hands. Fred was trying his best not to come to conclusions.

"Jug, told you this?" Fred questioned. Fp started feeling like he was being targeted. "Fred, yes he told me this. Geez Fred, have a little faith in me!" Fp snapped. Fred was about to respond to Fp's comment, when jughead interrupted him.

"Mr A, My Dad is not lying! And for you to make that accusation, makes me want to punch a wall. My father is changing for the better. He doesn't need you to poke you're thoughts into him, right now! He just found he has a son out there. And that his love of his life was abused, tortured for years. So I would appreciate if you could keep your damn comments to yourself!" Jughead defended his father as his blood was boiling with so much anger as he yelled.

Fp watched his son defending his honor in disbelief. He wasn't happy about the word choices he used. But he did appreciate his son's love for him. Fred stood there stunned and a little displeasure as well.

"Jug, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I was just trying to find out what was going on, that's all." Fred stated as he took his hand and rubbed over his eyes.

"Jughead, I appreciate your concern, but Jug you shouldn't of disrespected Fred. Jug, the way you're going. You will turn out to be just like me. I don't want that for you, don't you understand." Fp said as he confronted jug's disrespecting Fred. Jughead nodded his head. "Dad I understand. And mr A , I'm sorry." Jughead apologized looking down at the ground ashamed of his behavior. "It's okay Jug, I understand, you were just sticking up for your father." He stated as he pulled Jug in for a hug.

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