Fusion Of Colors

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Chapter 36 ~ Fusion Of Colors

It was Tuesday, yesterday was Monday. Fp hated Mondays. It always seemed like it was a doomed day. Out of the other days of the week, Monday was always a rough start for Fp. Fp laid in his hospital bed staring at the blank tv on the wall. His mind was clouded by the thoughts that consumed his brain. He knew he was going to be a father again. But finding out you lost a chance to be a father digs deep in your heart. Hearing the words triplets being flipped to twins. Fp still had no idea how he was going to afford them. He was going to prove to Alice and himself that he can be a better father. He was ashamed of his choices he made in his life. Instead of being there for his kids, he chose to drink.

As he flips the tv on power, he shuffles through the tv channels. His doctor signed his discharge papers. Fp was unbelievably happy that he would finally be in his own bed. In his own place and not being stuck in one room. Jughead walks into his father's hospital room with a wheelchair in his hands. He wheeled the wheelchair to his father. Fp looked up to see his son wheeling the wheelchair to him. His son was extremely tired. He had bags underneath his eyes. He could see dark circles starting to form.

"Hey, Jug." He greeted his son. Jughead look up to his father and sent a smile. It had hint of exhaustion.

"Hey, Dad. Ready to go?" Jughead asked as he gently rubbed his eyes. Fp felt bad for his son being so exhausted. He didn't mean to worry the poor boy. Fp loved his son more than his words and actions explained.

Fp nodded his head, stretched his arms out. He carefully crawled out of the now made hospital bed. His stomach was still sore from the sutures that we stitched into him. As he sat down on the wheelchair, a unfondly memory edged its way into his mind. It wasn't the typical memory he wanted to remember. This memory caused pain, heartbreak, anger to all burn into him. This was a time Fp was so lost. Everything was being put into its place.

Tained Pain- 1991

It was March 23rd, Fp and Alice have been going strong for three years now. It was almost the end of junior year. Prom was coming up, Fp wasn't looking forward to having to dress up. But he would do it for his Allie. He had a hard time saying no to her. It was like her puppy dog eyes were so controlling, she could get anything she possibly wanted.

Fp climbed out of bed, smiling as he went to his small closet and picked something to wear. This was the day, Fp thought as he got ready for school. He already knew the matching coloring for the prom. How his tux had to match the same color as she was wearing. Fp to be honest; didn't have any clue or a care about this stuff. He was more like the go with flow guy. He got on his motorcycle and drove to us. As he drove, he felt the wind blowing across his face as he pulled into the school parking lot.

Fp walked down the hall to his locker, to only find someone who looked like a Northsider talking to his girlfriend. Fp tried to not let it bother him. He knew every guy at their school wanted her. And we're beyond jealous that Fp had his hold on her. He knew how hot, gorgeous Alice was. Alice Smith was his world. If he hadn't opened his mouth at that diner, he wouldn't have her. Fp didn't know his name, but he already didn't like the guy. Northsiders don't get alone with Southsiders. Fp closed his locker and went up to the pair.

"Hey babe." Fp said sweetly as he leaned in to give her a peck on the lips. Alice smiled and returned a peck. Then he cracked his neck. "Who are you talking to?" Fp questioned suspiciously as he pulled her close to him. Alice opened her mouth to respond.

"Oh, Fp this is Hal cooper. He is in the school newspaper. I think the Blue and Gold, right?" Alice asked Hal as she introduced them. Hal put out his hand and Fp put out his. Hal and Fp shook each other's hands politely. Fp felt this feeling in his gut, that this guy was no good.

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