Glass Tears

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Chapter 27- Glass Tears

They say broken glass leads to glass tears. But how do they know how to stop glass from turning into tears of glass? The answer has never been answered. People usually expect their problems to be changed within seconds after they happen. Unfortunately that's not the case.

Fp stared at the now closed door. Jughead, Betty and Chic already left. He had no idea; what he was going to do. He could head to the Wyrm, drink his problems away or he could man up and find his Allie. He walked over to his closet and threw on his Serpent jacket. The jacket laid over his shoulders like it was his staple clothing. He slumped into his truck seat. As he drove down the dirt roads of the southside. Memories burned their way into his mind. He couldn't shake them out, it was like they were gorilla glued into his mind.

Beautiful Memories - 1990

Alice reached for her phone as she did her biology homework. She hated doing homework, but she had the highest grade in the class. She's an 4.0 student. Fp on the other hand was barely passing any of his classes. He was the classic bad boy, who didn't give a fuck about his grades or anything school related. He spent most of his time at the Wyrm or drinking. He won the heart of sweet sarcastic Alice. She made him happier then ever. Alice dialed the number she knew like the back of her hand. She clung to the phone as she waited for her Serpent king answer.

"Hey Allie. I'm glad you called. Want to meet up at Pop's?" Fp asked in a warming tone. Alice stared down at her worksheet, trying to have to ability to turn down his offer.

"Forsythe, I really have to do homework." She stated as she wrote down her last answer on the sheet. She heard Fp sigh on the other end. She really felt bad.

"Allie, please." Fp pleaded in a whiny tone. Alice hated when he played the whining card. He knew it was absolutely unfair, but he didn't it anyway. Alice closed her bio book and carried it to her back pack. She zipped it up and let out a sigh.

"Fine, You win!" She groaned as she walked toward her window. She could almost hear Fp's mumbles" Yes you won't regret it." She clicked the button and hung up.

Alice felt a smile starting to creep it's way across her face. She hated to admit it, but she was actually looking forward to see him. She opened her closet door, picked a sundress with red cuts across her chest. She got into her car and drove to their hideout. Fp saw Alice coming and snuck behind a rock. Alice wasn't aware that Fp was going to scare her. He saw her reach their spot and jumped out. Alice jumped back, holding both arms protectively against her chest. She looked terrified, it humored Fp even more.

"Fp!!" She shouted as she wacked him with her purse that was in her left hand. Fp raised his arms up to protect himself.

"Okay okay, Allie. I'm sorry. It was just so enjoyable to see you so freaked." Fp explained trying to keep his face from turning red; from holding in his laughter. Alice didn't find it funny or humous at all. She was fuming. She continued to wack him repeatingly with her couch purse.

"Forsythe, I'm not going to calm down! That so wasn't funny!" She menaced as her face turned red as she bawled her fists. Fp observed how irritated Alice was. He honestly felt bad. He didn't mean to make her so angry. He gently grabbed her purse from her hands and spread her fingers apart.

"Allie, I'm sorry. I really was just trying to mess with you. I love you, Allie." Fp said softly. Once realized he said the L-word. He started freak out. He didn't mean to say it just slipped out. He did really love her. Alice felt her muscles tense up. Hearing the word; caused her to feel butterflies.

"Wh-at?" She stuttered as she felt the word consume her. Fp stood there shocked with himself.

"Allie, I-I did-." Fp was caught off by Alice's lips pressed against his. He wasn't surprised that Alice would be the one to make the first move. She was the dominant one. He loved her spunk and sassiness. It made him want to attack her with his lips. It was Alice's first time. This wasn't the place she imagined losing her virginity. But she didn't have a care in the world.

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