Haunting Of Slayer Begins

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Chapter 44~ Haunting Of Slayer Begins

As the day came to end. Archie and the gang headed to pop's for the milkshakes they had been desperately had been craving. School had been very exhausting. Betty sat at the booth with her arm curled to Jughead's. Veronica was so tired after cleaning her house. She had never worked as hard as she did in whole entire life. Jughead was the first to order. He ordered his usual, burger, of course. It was a given. Everybody wasn't surprised at all. They all knew how much Jughead liked Pop's burger or just food in general. Betty just ordered a chesse burger and a strawberry milkshake. It took a while to consider her choices. Her choices were between Chocolate and strawberry milkshake. She ended up just ordering an strawberry milkshake.

"Guys did you hear about the announcement on news?" A voice hollered out, startling the group. Betty looked up from her milkshake and spotted Sheriff Keller dressed in his gear. His eyes were filled with worry. Kevin noticed his father and rolled his eyes.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Kevin groaned and rolled his eyes. Tom wasn't surprised by his son's reaction to his presence. Archie and Jughead looked at each other with the same look of confusion.

"Kev, the Black Hood is back." Tom said as he sighed and a complete serious look raised upon his face. Kevin gasped and the others had a look horror on their faces.

"What do you mean? The Black Hood has been dead for months." Jughead blurted out as he held Betty closer to him. Betty felt this hollowness in her throat. She couldn't believe this was happening all over again. But deep down she always thought the Black Hood was still somewhere out there.

"Jughead there's another one. It seemed like he had help. Her name is Slayer. She admitted to her crimes. We still don't know who was the original Black Hood is. Or if he is still alive and planning his next attack." Tom confessed to the group of teens at the booth. Archie, Jughead and the rest, including Cheryl were horrified by the words exiting Sheriff Keller's mouth.

Alice fluttered her eyes open and looked up to see, Fp staring lovingly at her. Fp kissed her head and then her belly. She felt well rested. She missed him being by her side. She hadn't been able to sleep without him. She hated the days they were apart. She hated watching him almost die in front of her at the shed.

"Good afternoon, Allie." Fp said in a raspy voice as he leaned in for a kiss. "How did you sleep?" He asked as a chuckle left his lips. Alice couldn't help but smile at his dorky chuckle.

"Good afternoon to you to, Fp. Yes, I slept really good. To be honest I haven't slept that good in while." She responded as a smile marked her face. Fp leaned forward and kiss her again.

"Don't worry about that. And I'm glad you slept well. " Fp said as he got out of bed and threw his shirt back over his head. He had gotten out while he took a nap, so he took it off. "Do you want some chocolate chip pancakes, Allie?" He asked as picked her up in his arms carrying her to the kichen table. He set her down and she let an adorable giggle.

"Yummy, babies like that idea." Alice stated as she rubbed her stomach. Fp smiled at her words and headed to the kitchen, grabbing the chocolate chip bag. He poured the chips to the pancake mix and mixed it all together.

"I'm glad they want their mommy all happy and hungry." He spoke as stuck his finger into the batter and licked it off his finger. Alice just rolled her eyes and bit back a grinning smile. He noticed the look, she gave him. "Oh really your going to judge me? I wouldn't do that if I were." He jokingly said as he dipped his finger into the batter again. She just continued smiling and holding back her giggles.

"What are you going to do if I don't stop." She joked in amusement. Fp watched in pure happiness as the Allie he loved return to herself. He missed her so much. It still hurt that she cheated on him years ago. It strung like a bitch. Had he actually forgave her? There will always be a part of his heart that will have irreversible damage from the pain she caused.

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