Reflections Of Reality

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Chapter 46 ~ Reflections Of Reality

As the rest of the group remained at school. Veronica searched for Betty and Jughead and saw no sign of them. She looked in the library, Blue and Gold room, the break room. But she didn't see them anywhere. This adrenaline awoken her mind. She was feeling more anxiety as she got more frantic. Cheryl watched Veronica barely eating her lunch. She could tell something was eating her up inside. She sat next to her on the bench and placed a hand on her shoulder. Veronica felt someone put their hand on her, she lifted her head and turned to face who was touching her. Her eyes met with Cheryl, who looked equally concerned as the rest of her friends, including Archie.

"Ronica, what's bothering you?" Cheryl asked as she lifted her chin. Archie heard the soft spoken words and turned her attention to his girlfriend. Roni forced a fake smile and sighed.

"I'm fine, alright." She lied right through her teeth. Cheryl knew it was a flat ass lie. She wasn't okay. Cheryl could see that something was bothering her. Ronnie grabbed her pizza slice and took a bite. She finally decided to give in and tell the truth. "Fine. I'm not okay. I haven't seen B or Jug since school started. I'm worried that Slayer has them." She confessed as a tear slipped from her eyes. Archie instantly pulled her into his arms. He hated always having the feeling that someone was stalking their every move.

"Ronnie, Shh. They're probably are stuck in class, Okay?" He explained assuringly as he brushed his fingers through her raven black curls. She shook her head and leaned into his chest. Kevin eyed his friend with an charming smile and placed his elbows on the table.

"Roni, I'm sure they are okay, V." He butted in place his hand over hers. Then he curled his lips into a smirk. "Or they are just getting skin to skin in the girl's bathroom." He elaborated smugly taking a sip of his chocolate milk. Veronica started bursting out laughing. Cheryl and Archie rolled their eyes dully at Kevin's comment. Then there was huge rounds of laughter and chuckles coming from the north end of the cafeteria. They turned their heads towards the laughter. Sweet Pea and the rest of the Serpents came marching up to the core four table.

"Didn't you hear miss Smith got suspended? She really had a mouth on her." Sweet Pea yelled obnoxiously as he grinned. Shock filled their faces. Toni smacked him hard in the chest and sat beside Cheryl.

"I'm sorry for Sweet Pea's unfortunate inability to keep his mouth shut." She stated realistically as she glared at him. Sweet Pea scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut you're mouth, Toni! It's not my fault, that perfect Betty smith got her fricking self suspended!" He growled sardonically rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms against his chest. Archie's anger was at his boiling point. He didn't like the Sweet Pea not even a little damn fucking bit.

"How about you leave, Betty out of this!" He groaned snarling at Sweet Pea. Sweet thrusted around and lunged forward.

"Why don't you come up here and say that to my face, Andrews!" He taunted getting ready to square Archie right in the face. Veronica leaped out her seat and got into the middle pushing Archie away from Sweet Pea.

"I'm so sick of this masculinity you guys have! It's time to grow up and act like grown ass man!" She snapped curling her face in disgust. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes backed while scoffing.

"Oh you think your so strong, rich princess? I bet you have never been in real fight!" He mocked as he laughed. Veronica was getting very impatient. She just wanted to punch him in his fucking face.

"Oh really?" She said as she made her way up to him. "Well dickhead, I have and you don't want to test me!" She whipped as she threatened pointing her long sharp freshly manicured red polished nails. He narrowed his brows and looked her straight in the eyes coldly. There was a huge booming voice echoing loudly making everyone in cafeteria scurried off so quickly, that they almost tripped on their way out the door.

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