Clattered Truths

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Chapter 42~ Clattered Truths

Betty was in free period with Kevin and V. She stared at the clock like it was ticking for her life. She wanted to tell them. She knew they would be happy for you. She also knew V and Archie have done it so many times. Kevin would be cheering her on. He would say something like you took the crown beanie by the horns last night.

"B, you said you would tell us. So what's the tea?" Veronica asked eagerly waiting for her response. Kevin was jittery moving in his seat.

"B, Veronica is right. You said you would tell us." Kevin butted in. Betty tried to keep her face straight, but she kept failing. "Oh wait you took him by the horns last night? Didn't you?" Kevin finally figured it out and rose his hand up to give her high five. Betty felt her face burn in embarrassment. Veronica stared at her in shock. She couldn't believe Betty the Betty was growing up.

"Oh my god, B! Wow you did the dirty in the sheets!" Veronica smugly stated as she bit her lips interest.

"Yes, we did. And it was amazing. Though Chic found out this morning. And sorta embarrassed me this morning in front of Jug." Betty finally confessed as she felt the burning insation leave her face. Kevin and Veronica gave sympathic looks to Betty.

"I'm sorry B. Did he blackmail you?" Veronica asked as she clicked her pen. Betty clicked her throat softly before responding.

"Yes He blackmailed me! With laundry!" Betty whispered yelled. Kevin knew how much Betty hated laundry.

"Betts, it's not that bad." He commented as he did a problem on his math homework. Betty rolled her eyes at his comment. If anybody knew how much she hated to do laundry it was Kev.

"Yes it is, Kev. It's the worst household chore ever." Betty snapped quietly not drawing attention to them. Kevin rolled his eyes back in his head and let out a sigh.

"Betts, there's much worse chores then laundry." Kevin said matter factly. Veronica honestly didn't do laundry or cleaning in general.

"Guys, I doubt cleaning is that bad." Veronica butted in with a sense of seriousness. Betty and Kevin whipped their heads around, and faced her. Betty started laughing. "I'm serious!" Veronica snapped with her face turning red.

"Really you haven't cleaned in a day of your life, Veronica." Betty said while laughing uncontrollably, that heads turned in the classroom. Kevin always loved competion.

"How about you, Veronica cleans her house for a whole entire week. And we will see how you feel about cleaning." Betty suggests as she gets out her seat and looks at the clock. Class is almost over and time to go home.

"Deal. I will clean my house for entire week, without my cleaning service." Veronica accepted the challenge.

"Ooh this is going to be fun!" Kevin cheered as he clapped his hands together. He loves competion.

The next day, Alice gets out of bed with the help of Betty. Betty still hasn't told her mom about her and Juggie. She was nervous. She already knew her mom's response to her decision. Alice kept struggling with the fact that many years ago; when her and Fp were together. He was going to propose. Alice never felt so disgusted with herself. How could she been so insensitive? Her stomach rolled in sickness. She didn't know if it was morning sickness or just gulit. It could of been a mixture of the two.

Betty helped her mom into the wheel chair and headed to the car. Alice was a little nervous it was her daughter driving. Before they got into the car, her nerves kicked in. She was anxious to be in the house. She knew she couldn't just move; she had to face her fear, right in the eyes. As Betty pulled into the drive away, Chic gave her a smirk. Betty just ignored it and rolled her eyes in secrecy. Her mom didn't know about the deal. Betty was already exhausted from doing three loads of laundry. How can he have that much clothes, Betty asked herself. But she knew he was a jones and they sure wear a lot of clothes. Alice grabbed her crutches and hobbled over to the front porch. Betty was a little sad when she left her home. She missed seeing Archie through her bedroom window. Their secret conversations at midnight, when they were kids. But that house was full of tained memories.

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