Caged Picture

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Chapter 21- Caged Picture

Archie received a knock at his door at five in the afternoon. He causally opened the door and saw jughead with a bag of his clothes. Archie's dad told him that Fp had to work and he didn't want jughead alone in trailer with his broken leg. He welcomed him in. Jughead handed Archie his stuff and slammed onto the nearest recliner. Archie watched Jughead fall off the chair and started laughing hysterically. Jughead didn't you know why he was laughing. Maybe it was cause he was embarrassed.

"Jug, you missed the landing." He laughed as his face turned red from all the laughter. Jughead eyed his friend and continued laughing harder. After Jughead finally was able to stop laughing, he took a deep breath trying to hold back his laughing.

"I know!" He groaned as he got up from the floor. Archie stopped laughing and went over to help jughead up from the floor. Jughead took Archie's hand and let Archie pull him up.

"Jug, are you still mad?" Archie asked with a serious face. Jughead wasn't really mad anymore. But he did feel betrayed.

"Arch, I'm not mad .. anymore. I just I'm having a hard time comprehending all this." Jughead sighed deeply as he got back up on the chair. Archie knew how badly this tore Jughead apart. He never wanted to hurt his best friend.

"Jug, Again I'm sorry." Arch said as he sat in the recliner adjacent from Jughead. Archie grabbed the remote and threw on some football. He knew jughead didn't really like sports. Jughead curled his face in disgust. Archie noticed the look on his friend's face and changed it to something Jug might like. He turned on criminal minds. Jughead tuned into the show pretty quickly. Jughead always loved solving mysteries, plus he and his friends solved Jason Blossom's murder.

Betty was sitting on V's furry white puff chair. Betty estimated it most likely cost millions, more than Betty would ever have in a lifetime. Veronica sat on top of her white delve bed set. Betty swayed her hand over the soft fur as she sipped the drink, Roni snuck out of her parent's wine cellar. It was pretty fine wine. Veronica said it was from a very far away orchard. She thought she said Vienna. It was a little strong, maybe it was cause she wasn't used to drinking. Roni's parents were out of town. Not that they cared about their daughter drinking.

"This is good, V." Betty smiled as she threw a splash into her mouth. Roni smiled, she was glad Betty lightened up.

"Well I'm glad, and there's many more." Roni stated as she had a evil smirk on her face with her pearls resting on her chest.

"V, we shouldn't get too drunk. We have school tomorrow." Betty clarified as she pour herself more wine.

"Oh come on B, don't be so uptight." Roni said with a bit of attitude as she threw a shot down her throat. Betty rolled her eyes.

"I'm not being uptight!" Betty snapped as she threw a shot down her throat as well.

"B, please lighten up a bit. You have been very tense since the whole Black hood thing." Roni stated as she moved closer to her, throwing her hands around her best friend. Betty felt her eyes well up. Maybe this wine was making her more emotional or she has been holding it in for awhile.

"I just feel like I failed. My father, Hal Cooper, turned my life upside down. And Fp makes my mom so happy. It's almost weird how happy and relaxed she is. She not uptight or overbearing. She's like a regular mom and it's strange." Betty explained,shooting a shot. Roni listened to her friend's break down.

"B, it's okay. And it's fine to be angry. It's also good for your mom to be less strictered." Roni comforted Betty as she threw a blanket over the both of them. Roni picked a movie. It was Betty's all time favorite. Mean girls was like a classic. Betty and Veronica laid up against the bed frame, watching the movie.

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