Shock Through The Wind

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Chapter 45~ Shock Through The Wind

The next day bright and early, Hal receives a special and unannounced visit from Slayer. He was surprised to get an update so soon. It only had been 24 hours since she last visited.

"What are you doing here so soon.?" Hal asks as he grabbed the phone and held to his ear. Slayer smiled and picked up her phone as well.

"I made the first announcement last night. The whole town is really freaking out and it's awesome." She informed as a smile crossed her lips. Hal bit back the evil smirk in his face. His plan was working. "Though,I found out some interesting news, Boss." Slayer states as she sits more comfortably in the chair. Hal leaned forward and looked at her intently.

"What is the news, Ms Slayer?" Hal questioned as the smirk fell from his face. Slayer was a little nervous to tell her boss. She knew how much Hal hated Fp. But she did have a little remorse for the pain she caused the Smith and Jones family. She takes a steady breath and continues.

"Boss, Alice Smith is with child. Fp Jones is the father. But there's a bigger issue. As I was threatening your daughter. She snapped. And hung up. I was angry. So I called Fp Jones."she explained nervously as she grasped the phone tighter, scared for his reaction. Hal is known for his uncontrollable anger issues. Hal slacked back and connected his fist with the glass. He was so angry.

"You had one job!" He snapped as he rose out of the chair and slammed his fist into the glass. Slayer stepped back quickly as she saw his fist collide with the glass again. "What else failed, Slayer?" He asked angrily as he slammed his hands on the hard metal desk in the glass room. Slayer sat back down as soon as she noticed Hal had calm down. She took a shaky breath and felt her heart pound in her chest.

"Sir, as I called Fp Jones, He yelled angrily. And it was satisfying. But then I don't know what happened. His son grabbed the phone and barked orders at me. I know you are angry, but please don't take out on your girl, Hal." Slayer stated as her nerves crept up on her and blew him a kiss. Hal relaxed a little once he noticed he was getting too worked up.

"I'm sorry, Baby. This is all very stressful." Hal apologized as he blew a kiss back. He wished he could kiss her luscious red lips. "Damn it this fucking glass, always stops me from kissing you." He growled he placed his hands to the glass. She followed his action and placed her hands directly against the glass.

"I know this stupid glass ruins everything, Hal bear." She said lovingly as she got up from her chair and placed the phone down. Hal watched her exit the room and sighed pressing his head against the glass.

Alice was abruptly awakened with morning sickness. She got out of her bed and raced to the bathroom. She threw the toilet lid up and puked her guts out. Her stomach and throat hurt from the acids burning her throat. Betty heard her mom throwing up in the bathroom. Betty hated seeing her mom under the weather. She knew morning sickness was common in the first trimester. Betty noticed her brother around the corner. He looked curious. Alice opened the door, meeting her worried children standing outside the bathroom door.

"Morning, Elizabeth." She greeted her daughter as she kissed her daughter's forehead. Betty smiled at her mom and hugged her. Alice eased out of the hug and greeted her son, who was standing by his door. "Hi, Chic. How was work?" She asked as she kissed his forehead as well. Chic curled his lips into a smirk. Betty secretly glared at her brother and mouthed " I'm doing your laundry, Remember?". Chic wiped the smirk off his face and nodded.

"Work was good. But also very tiring." Chic said as a yawn escaped his lips. Alice smiled at her son and made her way down the long staircase. She felt a little lightheaded. She hadn't eaten yet.

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